일제시대 일식주택의 변용을 통해 본 주양식의 한일 비교연구

A comparative study on the living style of Korea and Japan , viewed from the transition of the Japanese-style houses constructed in the collonial age

  • 발행 : 1993.12.01


The Japanese-style houses built in the colonial age have changed through extension or remodeling since Koreans started residence after the liberation of the country. The objective of this study is to find out the influene of the cultural differences of the two nations on the living-style of the two nations from the comparative living-style viewpoint. 26 Japaneses-style houses built in the Ulsan city from the Open-Port year to 1945 were studied with the field survey method. The qualitative and the quantatative analysis were used. The results of this study are as follows. 1) Because of new materials and conveniences, kitchen, bathroom and toilet have changed into standing-type kitchen, bathroom and bathtub of cement and tile, and flush toilet respectively. The indoor toilets were removed and outdoor ones replaced them instead. 2) In the residential space the Koreans have altered the Dadami-room to the Ondol-room becaus of their own heating wywtem, installed glass or wooden doors for the seperation of rooms, enlarged the indoor space throuh removing walls, and developed new uasge of the Dokonoma space. The room of Zasici is most frequently used as the Korean-style Anbang. The wide space called 'living room' or 'maru' near the entrance hall. In conclusion, the guest-oriented Zasiki-style plan of the Japanese-style houses has remodeled into the family oriented Anbang-style plan.



  1. 서울대학교 석사학위 논문 한국근대도시 주택의 변천에 관한 연구 김선재
  2. 대한건축학회 논문집 v.4 no.2 한국 개항장의 외인관 연구(Ⅰ) 인천 제물포항 김태영(외)
  3. 대한 건축학회 논문집 v.4 no.3 한국 개항장의 외인관 연구 (Ⅱ) 부산 및 마산항 김태영(외)
  4. 일제 강점기 도시계획 연구 손정목
  5. 대한건축학회 논문집 v.7 no.6 일제시대 연립형관사의 공간변형에 관한 현장연구 우동주
  6. 울산의 역사 울산시
  7. 울산 울주 향토사 울산 문화원
  8. 도시계획사개론 윤정섭
  9. 한양대 석사학위 논문 증 개축을 통해 본 일식주거의 공간적 변화에 관한 연구 정모
  10. 대한건축학회 논문집 v.4 no.5 開化期 以後 한국도시주택의변천에 관한 연구 - 釜山市 木造住宅의 變容 樣相을 中心으로 李英鎬
  11. 建築硏究所報 中流住宅の平面構成に關する硏究(1) 靑木正夫(外)
  12. 日本建築學會 計劃系論文報告集 增改築による住 空間の變容とその要因-臺灣における日本時代官舍の變容に關する硏究 I 郭永傑(外5人)
  13. 住宅近代史 太田博太郞(編)
  14. 日本住宅史の硏究 太田博太郞(編)
  15. 日本建築學會大會 學術講演梗槪集 ソウル上道洞舊營團住宅における外部空間の變容 鈴木信弘(外2人)
  16. 日本建築學會大會 學術講演梗槪集 ソウル文來洞舊營團[住宅地, 住宅]の計劃と變容について 鈴木信弘(外3人)
  17. 日本建築學會大會 學術講演梗槪集 山谷洞舊營團受託[住宅地, 住宅]の計劃とその變容について 富井正憲(外3人)
  18. 日本建築學會大會 學術講演梗槪集 日本,韓國,臺灣の舊營團に關する建築學硏究 富井正憲(外3人)
  19. 日本住宅の歷史 平井聖
  20. 日本のすまい II 西山苑三
  21. 住宅建築硏究所報 住樣式の硏究-明治末期からの都市住居者の生活樣式の形成と變化について 渡邊光雄(外)