적합성피이드백을 이용한 전문검색시스템의 검색효율성 증진을 위한 연구

Enhancing performance of full-text retrieval systems using relevance feedback

  • 발행 : 1993.12.01


본 연구의 주목적은 전문검색시스템의 문제점인 낮은 정확율을 향상시키는 검색기법을 제시하는 것이다. 높은 재현율을 유지하면서 정확율을 증진시키기 위하여 확률검색모형 (이진독립형과 투포이슨독립모형)에 기초를 둔 적합성피이드백을 이용하였고, 이것이 전문검색시스템의 검색효율성에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다.

The primary purpose of the study is to improve the low preclslon often found In full-text retrleval systems. In order to enhance the low precision of full-text retrleval wh~le retaining ~ t s hgh recall, relevance feedback mechanisms based on probabilistic retrieval models (binary independence and two-Polsson Independence models) were employed. Thls paper investigates the effect of relevance feedback on the performance of full-text retrieval systems.



  1. Journal of Documentation v.28 Comparative Efficiency of Searching Titles, Abstracts and Index Terms in a Free-Text Data Base Barker,F.H.;Veal,D.C.;Wyatt,B.K.
  2. Journal of Documentation v.38 ASK for Information Retrieval: Part I. Backgroud and Theory Belkin,N.J.;Oddy,R.N.;Brooks,H.M.
  3. Journal of Documentation v.30 The Effectiveness of Natural Language in Sceince Indexing and Retrieval Bhattacharyya,K.
  4. Information Processing and Management v.26 Full-Text Information Retrieval: Further Analysis and Clarification Blair,D.C.;Maron,M.E.
  5. Communications of the ACM v.28 An Evaluation of Retrieval Effectiveness for a Full-Text Document-Retrieval System Blair,D.C.;Maron,M.E.
  6. Journal of Documentation v.40 Terminological Consistency in Abstract and Concrete Discipliness Bonzi,S.
  7. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.34 Information Retrival: A Sequential Learning Process Bookstein,A.
  8. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.25 Probabilistic Models for Automatic Indexing Bookstein,A.;Swanson,D.R.
  9. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.35 Less Than Full-Text Indexing Using a Non Boolean Searching Model Cleveland,D.B.;Cleveland,A.D.;Wise,O.B.
  10. Report on the Testing and Analysis of an Investigation into the Comparative Efficiency of Indexing Systems. Cleverdon,C.W.
  11. Journal of Documentation v.35 Using Probabilistic Models of Document Retrieval without Relevance Information Croft,W.B.;Harper,D.
  12. Proceedings of the 4th International Online Information Meeting An Experiment to Study the Online Use of a Full-Text Primary Journal Database Durkin,K.;Egeland,J.;Garson,L.R.;Terrant,S.W.
  13. The Computer Journal v.35 Probabilistic Models in Information Retrieval Fuhr,N.
  14. Journal of Documentation v.34 An Evaluation of Feedback in Document Retrieval Using Co-occurrence Data Harper,D.J.;Van Rijsbergen,C.J.
  15. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.26 A Probabilistic Approach to Automatic Keyword Indexing. Part I. On the Distribution of Speciaty Words in a Technical Literature Harter,S.P.
  16. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.26 A Probabilistic Approach to Automatic Keyword Indexing. Part II. An Algorithm for Probabilistic Indexing Harter,S.P.
  17. The SMART System - Experiments in Automatic Document Processing New Experiments in Rlevance Feedback Ide,E.
  18. Journal of Documentation v.29 The Aberystwyth Index Languages Test Keen,E.M.
  19. Information Storage and Retrieval v.4 Relevance Assessments and Retrieval System Evaluation Lesk,M.E.;Salton,G.
  20. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.39 Parameter Estimation for Probabilistic Document Retrieval Models Losee,Jr.R.M.
  21. ACM Annual Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval Probabilistic Models for Document Retrieval: A Comparison of Performance on Experimental and Synthetic Databases Losee,Jr.R.M.;Bookstein,A.;Yu,C.
  22. Information Processing and Management v.24 Probabilistic Design Principles for Conventional and Full-Text Retrieval Systems Maron,M.E.
  23. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.42 The Medline/Full-Text Research Project McKinin,E.J.;Sievert,M.;Johnson,E.D.;Mitchell,J.A.
  24. ACM Annual Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval Evaluation of the 2-Poisson Model as a Basis for using Term Frequency Data in Searching Raghavan,V.V.;Shi,H.;Yu,C.T.
  25. American Documentation v.12 Comparison of Four Types of Lexical Indications of Content Rath,G.;Resnick,A.;Savage,T.
  26. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.39 An Evaluation of the Applicability of Ranking Algorithm to Improve the Effectiveness of Full-Text Retrieval. I. On the Effectiveness of Full-Text Retrieval Ro,J.S.
  27. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.39 An Evaluation of the Applicability of Ranking Algorithm to Improve the Effectiveness of Full-Text Retrieval. II. On the Effectiveness Ranking Algorithms of Full-Text Retrieval Ro,J.S.
  28. Information Retrieval Experiment The Methodology of Information Retrieval Experiment Robertson,S.E.;Sparck Jones,K.(Ed.)
  29. Journal of Documentation v.33 The Probability Ranking Principle in IR Rovertson,S.E.
  30. Journal of Information Science v.12 Weighting, Ranking and Relevance Feedback in a Front-End System Robertson,S.E.;Thompson,C.L.;Bovey,J.D.
  31. Communications of the ACM v.29 Another Look at Automatic Text-Retrieval Systems Salton,G.
  32. Information Processing and Management v.22 Enhancement of Text Representations Using Related Document Titles Salton,G.;Zhang,Y.
  33. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.41 Improving Retrieval Performance by Relevance Feedback Salton,G.;Buckley,C.
  34. Information Processing and Management v.26 A Re-Examination of Relevance: Toward a Dynamic, Situational Definition Schamber,L.;Eisenberg,M.B.;Nilan,M.S.
  35. LISR v.13 The Cystic Fibrosis Database: Content and Research Opportunities Shaw,W.M.Jr.;Wood,R.E.;Tibbo,H.R.
  36. Information Technology: Research and Development v.3 Relevance Feedback and a Fuzzy Set of Search Terms in an Information Retrieval System Smeaton,A.F.
  37. The Computer Journal v.26 The Retrieval Effects of Query Expansion on a Feedback Document Retrieval System Smeaton,A.F.;Van Rijsbergen,C.J.
  38. Information Retrieval Experiment Retrieval System Test 1958-1978 Sparck Jones,K.(Ed.)
  39. Information Retrieval Experiment Sparck Jones,K.(Eds.)
  40. Library Quaterly v.47 Information Retrieval as a Trial-and-Error Process Swanson,D.R.
  41. Library Journal v.114 Why Don't Librarians Use Full-TextDatabases? Tenopir,C.
  42. Library Journal v.113 Searching Full-Text Databases Tenopir,C.
  43. Online Review v.9 Full Text Database Retrieval Performance Tenopir,C.
  44. Proceedings of the Fourth National Online Meeting ACS Primary Journal Online Database Terrant,S.W.;Garson,L.R.;Cohen,S.M.;Meyers,B.E.;Williams,M.E.(Ed.)
  45. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science 45th Annual Meeting The American Chemical Society Online Primary Journal Database Terrant,S.W.;Garson,L.R.;Cohen,S.M.;Meyers,B.E.