잘못 형성된 입력문장에 대한 CHART PARSER

  • Published : 1993.03.01


My research is based on the parser for ill-formed input by Mellish in a paper in ACL 27th meeting Proceedings. 1989. My system is composed of two parsers:WFCP and IFCP. When WFCP fails to give the parse tree for the input sentence, the sentence is identified as ill-formed and is parsed by IFCP for error detection and recovery at the syntactic level. My system is indendent of grammatical rules. It does not take into account semantic ill-formedness. My system uses a grammar composed of 25 context-free rules. My system consistes of two major parsing strategies:top-down expection and bottem-up satisfaction. With top-down expectation. rules are retrieved under the inference condition and expaned by inactive arcs. When doing bottom-up parsing. my parser used two modes:Left-Right parsing and Right-to-Left parsing. My system repairs errors sucessfully when the input contains an omitted word or an unknown word substitued for a valid word. Left- corner and right-corner errors are more easily detected and repaired than ill-formed senteces where the error is in teh middle. The deviance note. with repair details, is kept in new inactive arcs which are generated by the error correction procedure. The implementation of my system is quite different from Mellish's. When rules are invoked. my system invokes all rules with minimal inference. My bottom up parsing strategy uses Left-to-Right mode and Right-to-Left mode. My system is bottom-up-parsing-oriented like the chart parser. Errors are repaired in two ways:using top-down hypothesis, and using Need-Chart which keeps the information of expectation and complection of expanded goals by rules. To reduce the number of top-down cycles. all rules are invoked simultaneously and this invocation information is kept in Need-Chart. This idea will be extended for the implementation of multiple error recovery system.

본 연구는 잘못 형성된 입력에 대한 멜리쉬의 연구(1989)에 기반하고 있다. 이 글은 chart-based parser를 이용하여 구문론적 차원에서 잘못 형성된 입력 문자의 복구에 촛점을 둔다. 멜리쉬의 체계는 두가지 분석기, 즉 잘형성된 입력 분석기와 잘못 형성된 입력 분석기로 구성되는데, 필자의 연구는 그에 생각을 따르고 있다. 이글에서는 주로 chartparsing의 개념, 잘못형성된 입력에 대한 분석전략이 논의된다. 또한 필자가 제시하는 체계의 디자인과 구현, 필자의 체계를 멜리쉬의 체계와의 비교와 같은 사항들이 다루어질 것이다.
