Influence of Honeybees Pollinationon Soybean Yield and Yield Components

꿀벌 수정작용이 콩수량 및 수량 구성요소에 미치는 영향

  • 심용구 (경북농촌진흥원) ;
  • 최영연 (경북대학교 농과대학 농생물학과)
  • Published : 1993.09.01


This experiment was carried out to elucidate the mfluence of honeybees pollinatIOn on yield and YIeld components of soybean at the Kyungbuk Provincial Rural Development Administration from 1990 to 1991. SIX soybean varieties were cultivated in net houses with and without bees. Italian honeybees(Apis melhfem L.) were used. The Vlsiting frequency of bees in net house wIth bees was 58% higher than that of field honeybees, and it was the highest at 10 A.M. during a day. Number of pods per plant and podding ratio of soybean were higher with bees compared with Wlthout bees, especially for the varieties Paldalkong and Dankyongkong. The number of seeds per pod was not significantly different between with bees and without bees, although the percentage of three seeded pod of varieties Danyeobkong and Muhankong and one seeded pod of varieties Hwangkeumkong and Milyangkong 'was increased. The percentage of three seeded pod of Paldalkong and Dankyeongkong, however, was decreased with bees compared with without bees. At the same time no varietal difference was found in two seeded pods between with bees and without bees. Yield of soybeans was increased 0 to 12 % with bees compared with that of without bees. Yield increase was the hIghest in Paldalkong and Dankyongkong. The ratIO of soybean hybrid plant was mcreased with-bees compared with that of without-bees, especially m Paldalkong and Dankyongkong. A negative correlation was found between the ratio of hybrid plant and the duration of flowering in soy¬beans.

꿀벌의 수분작용이 콩 품종별 수량 및 수량구성요소에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위하여 1990년부터 1991년까지 2년간 경북농촌진흥원 망사하우스에서 단엽콩, 무한콩, 황금콩, 밀양콩, 팔달콩 및 단경콩의 6개품종을 공시하여 꿀벌을 방사처리 하여 조사한 실험 결과는 다음과 같다. 콩꽃에 대한 꿀벌의 방화회수는 노지포장에 비해 방사구에서 58% 많았으며 시간별로는 노지포장, 방사구 모두 오전 10시에 가장 많았다. 주당협수 및 결협율은 무방사구에 비해 방사구가 증가 되었는데, 팔달콩과 단경콩과 무한콩은 3립협 비율이, 황금콩과 밀양콩은 1립협 비율이 증가 되었으나 팔달콩과 단경콩은 3립협 비율이 감소되었다. 그러나 2립협 비율은 품종간에 일정한 경향이 없었다. 콩수량은 무방사구에 비해 방사구가 0~12% 증수되었는데, 특히 팔달콩과 단경콩은 꿀벌 방사에 의한 중수효과가 컸었다. 콩 hybrid주 비율은 무방사구에 비해 방사구에서 증가되었는데 팔달콩과 단경콩에서 hybrid주 비율이 높았다. 콩 개화기간과 hybrid주 비율과는 부의 상관관계가 인정되었다.
