바퀴(Blattella germanica L.)의 살충제 저항성 기구를 구명하고자 chlorpyrifos와 permethrin 살충제로 누대선ㅂㄹ하여 얻어진 저항성 바퀴를 대상으로 저항성 기작에 관여하는 esterase 활성변화에 관하여 실험한 결과는 다음과 같다. Filter paper test 방법을 통한 esterase-$\alpha$의 활성은 chlorpyrifos와 permethrin 도태계통에서 각각 2.65배, 1.82배로 감수성계통보다 증가하였다. Spectrophotometer 방법을 통한 esterase의 활성은 감수성계통보다 chlorpyrifos 도태계통에서 $\alpha$- 및 $\beta$-Naphthyl acetate에 대하여 각각 2.34배, 5.28배, permethrin 도태계통에서는 1.48배, 2.2배 증가하였다. 전기영동 실험을 통한 esterase isozyme pattern은 모두 5개의 band가 분리 검출되었다. Rc와 Rp계통에서는 감수성계통에서 뚜렷하게 검출되지 않은 Est-2와 Est-3 band가 검출되었으며, Rp계통에서는 감수성과 Rc계통에서 검출된 Est-5 band가 검출되지 않았다.
The German cockroach(Blattelia germanica) population~ were successIVely selected with ch\orpyrifos and permethrin during the six generations. The resulting resistant $R_{chtorpenfos}$(Rc) and $R_{permethnn}$(Rp) stra.ins were studied to investigate the esterase activity by spectrophotometer, filter parper test, and electrophoresis. Esterase-$\alpha$ activities by filter paper test showed 2.65 and LBZ times higher in the Rc and Rp strains than the susceptible strain, respectively. ln the spectrophoLometer method, the esterase activit18s to $\alpha$-and $\beta$-naphthyl acetate were increased 2.34 and 5.28 times in the Rc than susceptible strain, and 1.48 and 2.92 times in the Rp Limn susceptible stram, respectlvely. Zymogram patterns of eslerase isozyme by agarose gel electrophoresis showed totally five bands. The Rc and Rp strains showed two additive bands as, Est-2 and Est-3, which were not shown in the susceptible strain. but the Rp strain dId not show Est-5 bands which was COlumon in the Rc and susceptible strams.