Pb 중독에 Fe, Cu가 흰쥐의 체내에 미치는 효과에 관한 연구

The Effect of Fe and Cu on the Pb Toxicity in Rats

  • 김애정 (충청남도 혜전전문대학 조리과)
  • 발행 : 1993.08.01


This study was undertaken to investigate the effects of dietary Fe and Cu levels on Pb accumulation of Pb poisoned rats. 80 male Sprague weaning Dawley rate weighing 80-90g were divided into 8 groups(Pb groups: LFLCPb-low Fe, low Cu and Pb group, LFACPB-low Fe, adequate Cu and Pb group, AFLCPb-adequate Fe, low Cu and Pb group, AFACPb-adequate Fe, adequate Cu and Pb group, without Pb gorups: LFLC-low Fe, low Cu and without Pb grooup, LFAC-low Fe, adequate Cu and without Pb group, AFLC-adequate Fe, low Cu and without Pb group, AFAC-adequate Fe, adequate Cu and without Pb group) according to Pb administration (0, 500ppm in drinking water) and Fe and Cu levels(Fe :6ppm, 40ppm, Cu : 0.5ppm, 0.8ppm) for 12 weeks. The food intake, body weight, gain, and FER of Pb groups were significantly lower than those of without Pb groups(p<0.01, p<0.001, p<0.001). The weights of liver in Pb groups were significantly lower than that of adequate Fe and Cu group in without Pb group(AFAC) (p<0.001). The Cu contents of liver in Pb groups were significantly lower than that of AFAC (p<0.01). The liver Pb accumulation of LFLCPb was significantly higher than those of LFACPb, AFLCPb, AFACPb(p<0.05). The serum Pb content of LFLCPb was significantly higher than those of LFACPb, AFLCPb, AFACPb(p<0.05). The levels of Hb, and Hct, of 12 weeks in Pb poisoned rats were lower than those of 8 weeks, in other words, long term Pb poisoned rats were affected more serious on hematoopoiesis. The fecal excretions of Fe and Cu in Pb groups were significantly higher than those of without Pb groups(p<0.001, p<0.001). The urinary Fe and Cu excretions were significantly higher than those of AFAC(p<0.001, p<0.001). There were significant differences between Pb groups and without Pb groups according to dietary Fe and Cu levels. So, dietary levels of adequate Fe and Cu were effective to reduce Pb accumulation in rats. It were showed that the decrease of food intake, FER, body weight gain, serum level of Fe and Cu in Pb groups than those of without Pb groups. And the increase of liver Pb accumulation, serum Pb levels, fecal and urinary Fe and Cu excretions were showed in Pb groups than those of without Pb groups by long term lead poisoning. Otherwise, adequate Fe and Cu administrations in Pb groups have preventive effects on the Pb poisoned rats.
