곡류에서의Fusarium속 곰팡이 독소의 오염

Natural Occurrence of Fusarium Mycotoxins in Cereals

  • 발행 : 1993.06.01


Species of the genus Fusarium are worldwide in their distribution. They are saprophytes as soil inhabitants and parasites of cultivated plants. Some isolates of certain species car capable of producing mycotoxins. Mycotoxicoses, including moldy corn toxicosis, alimentary toxic aleukia, fusariotoxicosis, and rel mold disease are known to be associated with trichothecene-producing fungi. Historically severe epidemic of cereal scab occred in the southern part of Korea in 1963. The epidemic caused a social problem because of not only heavy economic losses but also mycotoxicoses to humans and farm animals. However the toxic principles were remained unknown until some publications in 1980's indicated that trichothecenes and zearalenone were major mycotoxins in Korea cereals contaminated with Fusarium moniliforme have been found to be associated with human and animal disease such as leukoencephalomalacia in horses, pulmonary edema in swine and esophageal cancer in humans. High concentrations of fumonisins have been detected in corn samples from high espohoageal cancer risk areas of South Africa and China. Thus fumonisins have been implicated in the etiolgy of human esophageal cancer in those high incidence countries. Recently increase of imported cereals from foreign countries demands to assess the safety of mycotoxins in Korea. The informations on the natural occurrence of mycotoxins are needed to solve the toxicological problems in humans and farm animals associated with the consumption of moldy cereals.
