셀룰로오스/디메틸아세트아미드/염화리티윰 용액으로부터 제조된 셀룰로오스 섬유

Cellulose Fiber from Cellulose/N, N-Dimethylacetamide/Lithium Chloride

  • 발행 : 1993.01.01


Dissolution of cellulose in N,N - dimethylacetamide(DMAA)/LiCl was investigated in view of solution propertied of cellulose and mechanical properties of cellulose fiber spun from those solutions. DMAA/LiCl solvent system showed the most powerful salvation on cellulose at which 9% (by weight) LiCl was contained in DMAA/LiCl. The cellulose solution showed optical anisotropy at 7.9-9.9% cellulose concentration on shear. The solution showed increased viscosity upon increasing LiCl content in DMAA/LiCl. When cellulose concentration was fixed at 4% in DMAA/LiCl, the cellulose fibers spun showed the maximum tensile strength at 7% LiCl concentration.



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  2. 한국섬유공학회지 v.29 no.6 전석원;조성무;이화섭;김종득
  3. U. S. Patent 4302252 A.F.Turbak
  4. J. Polym. Sci.:Polym. Lett. Ed. v.17 C.L.McCormick;D.K.Lichatowich
  5. Tappi v.67 no.1 A.F.Turbak
  6. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. v.27 A.J.Kafrawy
  7. Chem. Abstr. v.105 G.E.Prozorova
  8. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. v.37 D.Gagnaire
  9. Macromolecules v.18 C.L.McCormick;P.A.Callais;B.H.Hutchinson
  10. Macromolecules v.18 M.Terbojevich;A.Cosani;G.Conio;A.Ciferri;E.Bianchi
  11. U. S. Patent 4059457 P.L.Austin
  12. Macromolecules v.19 no.3 E.Marsano
  13. Macromolecules v.10 M.Panar;L.F.Beste
  14. Polymer v.28 no.7 Y.Nishio
  15. Macromolecules v.31 Y.Nishio;R.J.Manley
  16. Chem. Abstr. v.99 U.Aaltenen
  17. Macromolecules v.11 P.J.Flory
  18. Polym. Prep. v.24 C.L.McCormick;P.A.Callais;B.H.Hutchinson Jr.
  19. J. Polym. Sci.:Polym. Lett. Ed. v.22 A.Ciferri