On the Regional Background Level of CO Observed at Tae-ahn Peninsula in Korea During 1990-1992

한국의 태안반도에서 관측된 CO의 지역적 배경농도에 관한 연구

  • 정용승 (한국교원대학교 환경과학연구소) ;
  • 이근준 (한국교원대학교 환경과학연구소)
  • Published : 1993.09.01


Since November 1990, observations of carbon monoxide(CO) levels have been carried out at Tat-ahn Peninsula(TAP) in Korea. Analysis on atmospheric data, obtained in the period from November 1990 to February 1992, is carried out and the results are included in this study. It is observed that variations of monthly average level on CO are in the range of 141.61-516.06ppb(amplitude 374.45 ppb). An average level in 1991 is 308.18 ppb. CO observed at TAP has a larger seasonal variation. One of reasons appears that CO of TAP is strongly influenced by local sources and westerly airflows. When this gas of TAP is compared with data observed at Korea National University of Education(KNU) and in Seoul, we learn that CO values of KNU are higher(in average 2.15 times) than those of TAP; CO value observed in Seoul are 7 times higher than those of TAP. We interprete that air samples taken both at KNU and in Seoul are influenced strongly by local sources than those at TAP. According to analysis of trajectories and air flows, the CO value is higher with NW airflows than the value with SW airflows.



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