한국의 태안반도에서 관측된 이산화탄소의 배경농도에 관한 연구

On the background levels of $CO_2$ observed at Tae-ahn Peninsula in Korea during 1990-1992

  • 이근준 (한국교원대학교 환경과학연구소) ;
  • 정용승 (한국교원대학교 환경과학연구소)
  • 발행 : 1993.03.01


Since November 1990, the observations of carbon dioxide$(CO_2)$ levels have been carried out at Tae-ahn Peninsula(TAP) in Korea. Analysis on atmospheric data obtained in the period from November 1990 to August 1992 is carried out and the results are included in this study. It is observed that variations of monthly average level on $CO_2$ are in the range of 315.72 $\sim$ 365.37ppm(amplitude 17.65ppm). The seasonal variation is large with a maximum occurring in March-April and with a minimum in July-August. A comparison of TAP data is made with data obtained at Ryori in Japan for 1991. The annual average value of TAP is 1.79ppm higher than that of Ryori. It is also found that in summer the minimum level of $CO_2$ at TAP is almost same as the $CO_2$ level occurring at Quinghai Province in China and at Ulaan Uul in Mongolia. Albeit, a maximum concentration of $CO_2$ at TAP is slightly higher than that of the same gas observed at other sites in spring. We interpret that TAP is generally under the influence of airflows coming from China. According to analysis of trajectories and airflows, we find the high values of $CO_2$ when an air flow is originated mainly from China and when an airflow is both of local(Korea) and of China origins. In contrast, when an airflow of maritime origin arrives, a low value of the atmospheric constituent is observed at TAP.



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