In order to calssify smog type durnig the summer season in Seoul, air Quality and meterorological data were analyzed by multivariate analysis. Among 15 variables relating to visibility, 10 variables were selected by multiple regression analysis for clustering of smog types; total suspended particle, sulfur dioxide, ozone, ntrogen dioxide, total hydrocarbon, south-north wind component, ralative humidity, precipitable water, mixing height and air temperature. Somg types were grouped into three clusters using cubic clustering criterion and the mumbers of days in each cluster were contained 74, 28 and 16 days. Each cluster was seperated clearly by sulfur dioxide, precipitable water and air teperature. The first cluster was representative of high ozone concentration and prevailing meterological conditions for ozone formation. Therefore, visibility in the first cluster was considered to be affected by photochemical smog. The third cluster showed characteristics of sulphurous smog type due to the higher concentration of primary pollutant, based on the dry condition than that in another cluster. On the other hand, the characteristic of the second cluster was not relatively clear, but considered to be in an intermediate characteristic between photochemical smog and sulphurous smog type.