저수관리 시스템 개발

Development of Re8ervoirs Storage Management System(RESTOMS)

  • 발행 : 1993.06.01


When a drought occurs in an area irrigated by multi-reservoirs, onerating a single reservoir separately to control the reservoir' storage is not a desirable solution. In order to reduce damages effectively for the areal drought, the storage of the reservoirs within the areal boundary should be managed as a group. Storage management procedures are as follows : 1. Collecting and checking the present storages of all reservoirs 2. Computing the drought frequency and depth; and finally, establishing a suitable storage saving strategy based on the estimated drought depth. For the purpose of this storage management, the RESTOMS(Reservoirs Storage Management System) was developed and the system was composed of the PRIME computer and the ORACLE as a distributed database management system, which was the host computer of Rural Development Corporation and would be on-lined with the regional offices throughout the country. Reservoirs operated by Farm Land Improvment Association were comprised in the DB system. Using the RESTOMS, the drought frequencies and drought depths were calculated with respect to the reservoir storage records(1967 to 1992). It was obvious that the results were closely corresponding to the real drought records.
