CarboMedics 기계판막의 임상경험

Mid term experience with CarboMedics Medical Valve

  • 발행 : 1993.10.01


The CarboMedics valve is a bileaflet prosthesis with excellent hemodynamic characteristics, but the long term surgical experience with this valve, its durability and its biocompatibility are unknown. During a 5 year period from october 1988 to July 1993, 748 prostheses [402 mitral, 261 aortic, 58 tricuspid, 27 pulmonic] were inserted in 552 patients [mean age 40.2 years]. The operative mortality was 6.6% [37/560, 13.2% in age group below 15 years and 5.7% above 15 years]. and the main causes of death were complex congenital malformation and left ventricular failure. Follow up was totaled 1182 patient- years and mean follow up was 28.3 months/patient. No structural failure has been observed. Hemorrhage was the most frequent valve related complication[1.78% / Patient-year]. Embolism occurred at a rate of 0.93% / Patient-year. There were 5 cases of valve thrombosis [0.42% / Patient-year, two fatal]. There occurred 11 late deaths[6 valve related] and 42 valve related complications. Actuarial survival at 5 years is 97.18 0.94% and actuarial complication free survival at 5 years is 89.07 1.54%. In summary, the CarboMedics valve stands for a durable valve substitute, with low valve related complications.



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