중국의 개발과 환경보전에의 도전

A Challenge to Development and Environmental Protection in China

  • 발행 : 1993.06.01


Over the past-decade of reform and opening up to the outside world, China#s GNP doubled which now ranks eighth in the world, making an average 9.6% increase annually. Some industrial products such as steel, crude oil and power generation rank fourth in the world, while output of coal and cement rank first. In the agricultural sector, China ranks first in the output of grain, cotton, meat and basically solved the problem of providing food and daily necessities for 22% of the world#s population, The Chinese government has set the objectives in environmental protection plan to be achieved by the year 2000 together with ecological protection. During the Seventh Pive-Year Plan(1985-90), Chains#s annual investment in controlling environment pollution was about 10 billion Yuan, or 0.7% of her GNP, while during the Eighth Five-Year Plan, effort will be made to increase such investments, in terms of the GNP, possibly to 0.85"1% . However, the expanding development including industrial production will increase large amounts of pollutants into the environment and efforts are underway to deal with these pollution. *대한위생학회장 Regional community are faced with serious environmental problems. For instance, so called# Yellow Sand Storm# from China is one of the case. Recently, to make matter worse, acid rain and dry depositation from transboundary air pollution is tend to increase mainly because of emissions from mainland China. Therefore, the countries concerned in the region, should seek to promote international cooperation on environmental issues. An overall aspects of development and environmental programs in China are presented.
