Toward Stochastic Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model: Development and Application Experiences

Stochastic Dynamic Assignment 모형의 개발과 활용

  • Published : 1993.01.01


A formulation of dynamic traffic assignment between multiple origins and single destination was first introduced in 1987 by Merchant and Nemhauser, and then expanded for multiple destination in the late 1980's (Carey, 1987). Based on behavioral choice theory which provides proper demand elasticities with respect to changes in policy variables, traffic phenomena can be analysed more realistically, especially in peak periods. However, algorithms for these models are not well developed so far(working with only small toy network) and solutions of these models are not unique. In this paper, a new model is developed which keeps the simplicity of static models, but provides the sensitivity of dynamic models with changes of O-D flows over time. It can be viewed as a joint departure time and route choice model, in the given time periods(6-7, 7-8, 8-9 and 9-10 am). Standard multinomial logit model has been used for simulating the choice behavior of destination, mode, route and departure time within a framework of the incremental network assignment model. The model developed is workable in a PC 386 with 175 traffic zones and 3581 links of Seoul and tested for evaluating the exclusive use of Namsan tunnel for HOV and the left-turn prohibition. Model's performance results and their statistical significance are also presented.
