A Study on the correlation between Drinking and MMPI in lunar cycle

달의 주기(週期)에 따른 음주(飮酒)와 인성(人性)과의 연관성(聯關性)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究)

  • 이석준 (원광대학교 한의과대학 신경정신과학교실) ;
  • 류영수 (원광대학교 한의과대학 신경정신과학교실) ;
  • 류희영 (상지대학교 한의학대학)
  • Published : 1993.07.07


In this study the author had attempted to establish a correlation among alcohol use and MMPI and lunar cycle. MMPI was carried on 2, April 1992(the last day of the second lunar month) and 15, June 1992(the fifteenth day of the fifth lunar month). These experiments took male and female students who were in WON KWANG University as subjects. The results of it suggested the followings. 1) Drinkers and normal subjects average of T-score in each scales were in a normal scores. 2) In every scales except L,K,Si scales drinkers showed higher scores than normal subjects. There was a significant difference on L, F, Pd, Pa, Sc, Ma scales. 3) On the fifteenth day of the month, drinkers showed Higher T-Scores than normal subjects in every scales excepts L,K,Si scales. There was a significant difference in Ma scale. 4) On the last day of the month, drinkers showed higher T-scores than normal subjects in every scales except L,K,Mf,Si scales. There was a significant difference on L, F, Pd, Sc, Ma scales. 5) Drinkers showed higher than normal subjects in symptom of neurosis and psychosis. As the results of above, human character changes to some extend according to alcohol use. There is a tendency that repeated drinking of college students prone to change into habitual drinking or alcoholic impairment. So controlled drinking among the college students is highly recommended.



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