노인(老人) 천증(喘證)에 대(對)한 임상적(臨床的) 고찰(考察)

Clinical observation for the Geriatric athma(Cheon-Jeung)

  • 서운교 (동국대학교 부속한방병원 내과학교실) ;
  • 정지천 (동국대학교 부속한방병원 내과학교실) ;
  • 이원철 (동국대학교 부속한방병원 내과학교실)
  • Seo, Un-Kyo (Dept. of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dong Guk University) ;
  • Jeong, Ji-Cheon (Dept. of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dong Guk University) ;
  • Lee, Won-Chul (Dept. of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dong Guk University)
  • 발행 : 1993.02.10


Clinical observation was done on 372 Cheon-Jeung patients more than 65 years of age in Department of Internal Medicine, Oriental Medical Hospital in Dong Guk Univ. from December 1990 to November 1991. The results were as follows; 1. The ratio of male to female was 1.2:1. The age distribution showed the large number in the 65-69 year group, the female more than the male in 8th decade. 2. The peak age in the on set was 7th decade(44.4%). 3. The ratio of the season distribution was as follows, everytime 62.6%, fall and winter 25.5%. 4. Duration from on set, the most frequence was $5{\sim}10$ years(29.6%). 5. Chief complaints were represented cough, laryngeal stridorand, dyspnea. 6. In past illness, Pulmonary. The was most predominent(29.7%) followed by allergic disease(8.1%), bronchitis(7.2%) in turn. 7. In complication, Pul. Tbc was most predominent(21.1%) followed by ronchiectasis (12.7), cardiac disease(11.3%). 8. Predisposing factors in the Geriatric athma were represented chiefly exercising(41.8%), the others is Pung-Han-Neng(27.6%), respiratory infection(12.7%) etc. 9. The recipe which used in treatment were Gamigeumsuyukgun-jeon, Gamimahwangyunpai-tang, Gamiyunpai-tang, Sojaganggi-tang, Cheongsangboha-tang etc. 10. Duration of treatment was noted within 10 days was 39.2%, $11{\sim}30$ days was 40.6%, over 60 days was 7.3%. 11. About 77.3% patients were improved.



  1. 大韓韓方內科學會誌 v.13 no.1 老人 內科 患者의 臨床統計的 考察 金賢兒(外)
  2. 大韓韓方小兒科學會誌 v.1 no.1 小兒氣管支喘息의 臨床的 考察 丁奎萬(外)
  3. 醫學心悟 程國彭
  4. 實用老年病手冊 蔡醒華(外)
  5. 四天中醫 v.7 補腎法治療哮喘33例 李國奇
  6. 東醫寶鑑 許浚
  7. 精校黃帝內經 洪元植(編)
  8. 연세의대 학위 논문집 노인성폐질환 김성규
  9. 大韓醫學協會誌 v.29 no.3 고령자에서의 폐질환 심영수
  10. 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.10 no.2 哮喘證에 關한 臨床的 硏究 李珩九(外)
  11. 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.8 no.2 哮喘證에 關한 臨床的 硏究 李珩九(外)
  12. 方劑學 廣州中醫學院(主編)
  13. 萬病回春 v.上卷 공廷賢
  14. 壽世保元 공廷賢
  15. 醫學綱目 v.卷二十七 樓英
  16. 實用中醫內科學 方葯中(外)
  17. 老年保健與長壽指南 徐東白(等)
  18. 臨證指南醫案 葉天士
  19. 巢氏諸病源候總論 v.卷十四 巢元方
  20. 沈氏尊生書 沈金鰲
  21. 六科準繩 王肯堂
  22. 中醫老年病學 袁立人(外)
  23. 醫宗秘讀 李中梓
  24. 傳統老年醫學 李聰甫(外)
  25. 醫學入門 李천
  26. 類證治裁 林패琴
  27. 景岳全書 張介賓
  28. 仲景全書 張仲景
  29. 普濟方 朱숙
  30. 丹溪心法 朱震亨
  31. 新中醫 v.20 no.12 老年人 慢性阻塞性肺疾患203例 證治體會 顧國龍
  32. 中醫雜誌 v.31 no.6 董建華治宿喘經驗 田海河
  33. 中醫雜誌 v.29 no.10 納氣平喘渴治療肺氣腫1例 陳惠仁
  34. 福建中醫藥 v.20 no.6 溫腎降肺湯治療 老年性咳喘證 蔡小杭