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- Am. Rev. Rspir. Dis. v.118 Bronnchial hyperirritability in healthy subjects after exposure to ozone Golden, J.A.;Nadel, J.A.;Boushey, H.A.
- Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. v.127 Importance of airway inflammation for hyperresponsiveness induced by ozone Holtzman, M.J.;Fabbri, L.M.;O'Byrne;Gold, B.D.;Aizawa, H.;Walters, E.H.;Alpert, S.E.;Nadel, J.A.
- Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. v.132 Ozone-induced bronchial hyperreactivity in guinea pigs is abolished by BM 755C or FPL 55712 but not by indommethacin Lee, H.K.;Murlas, C.
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- Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. v.130 Indomethacin inhibits the airway hyperresponsiveness but not the neutrophil influx induced by ozone in dogs O'Byrne, P.M.;Walters, E.H.;Aizawa, H.;Fabbri, L.M.;Holtzman, M.J.;Nadel, J.A.
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$B_4$ induced airway hyperresponsiveness in dogs O'Byrne, P.M.;Leikauf, G.D.;Aizawa, H.;Bethel, R.A.;Ueki, I.F.;Holtzman, M.J.;Nadel, J.A. - J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. v.76 The effect of inhaled hexamethonium bromide and atropine sulphate on airway responsiveness to histamine O'Byre, P.M.;Thomson, N.C.;Latimer, K.M.;Roberts, R.S.;Morris, M.M.;Daniel, E.E.;Hargreave, F.E.
- Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. v.130 Neutrophil depletion inhibits airway hyperresponsiveness induced by ozone exposure O'Byrne, P.M.;Walters, E.H.;Gold, B.D.;Aizawa, H.A.;Fabbri, L.M.;Alpert, S.E.;Nadel, J.A.;Holtzman, M.J.
- Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. v.134 Inhibition of antigeninduced airway hyperresponsiveness by thromboxane synthetase inhibitor(OKY046) in allergic dogs Chung, K.F.;Aizawa, H.;Becker, A.B.;Frick, O.;Gold, W.M.;Nadel, J.A.
- J. Appl. Physiol. v.65 no.3 Release of epithelium derived relaxing factor after ozone inhalation in dogs Jones, G.L.;Lane, C.G.;Daiel, E.E.;O'Byren, P.M.
- Br. J. Pharmacol. v.86 The effect of airway epithelium on smooth muscle contractility in bovine trachea Barnes, P.J.;Cuss, F.M.;Palmer, J.B.
- J. Appl. Physiol. v.58 Respiratory epithelium inhibits bronchial smooth muscle tone Flavahan, N.A.;Aarhuus, L.L.;Rimele, T.J.;Vanhoutte, P.M.
- Eur. J. Pharmacol. v.129 Airway epithelium modulates the reactivity of guinea pig respiratory smooth muscle Hay, D.W.P.;Farmer, S.G.;Raeburn, D.;Robinson, V.A.;Fleming, W.W.;Fedan, J.S.
- Mechanisms in Asthma : Pharmacology, Physiology, and Management Neural transmission during ozoneinduced airway hyperresponsiveness O'Byrne, P.M.;Jones, G.L.;Lane, C.G.;Pashley, M.;Daniel, E.E.
- Eur. J. Pharmacology v.178 The inhibitory influence of tracheal mucosa mounted in close proximity to canine tracheals Manning, P.J.;Jones, G.L.;Otis, J.;Daniel, E.E.;O'Byrne, P.M.
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- J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. v.68 Bronchial reaponsiveness to histamine or methacholine in asthma: measurement and clinical significance Hargreave, F.E.;Ryan, G.;Thomson, N.C.;O'Byrne, P.M.;Latimer, K.;Juniper, E.F.;Dolovich, J.
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- Immunology v.7 The mechanism of anyphylaxis. I.production and biological propeties of mast cell sensitizing antibody Mota, I.
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- J. Appl. Physiol. v.55 Time course of airway hyperresponsiveness induced by ozone in dogs Holtzman, M.J.;Fabbri, L.M.;Skoogh, B.E.;O'Byrne, P.M.;Walters, E.H.;Aizawa, H.;Nadel, J.A.
- Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. v.129 Airway hyperresponsiveness and changes in cell counts in bronchoalveolar lavage after ozone exposure in dogs Fabbri, L.M.;Aizawa, H.;Alpert, S.E.;Walters, E.H.;O'Byrne, P.M.;Gold, B.D.;Nadel, J.A.;Holtzman, M.J.
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- Mechanisms in Asthma :Pharmacology, Physiology, and Management Neural transmission during ozone-induced airway hyperresponsiveness O'Byrne, P.M.;Jones, G.L.;Lane, C.G.;Pashley, M.;Daniel, E.E.;Wood, J.(ed.)
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