호남지방(湖南地方) 직파재배(直播栽培)의 현황(現況), 문제점(問題點) 및 대책(對策) - 잡초방제적(雜草防除的) 측면(側面)에서 -

The Status, Problems and Countermeasure of Direct Rice Seeding in Honam Province - On Weed control -

  • Ryang, Hwan-Seung (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Kim, Jong-Seog (Department of Agronomy, Chonju Woosuk University)
  • 발행 : 1992.09.30


호남지방(湖南地方)에 있어서 직파재배(直播栽培)의 현황(現況)과 잡초방제(雜草防除)에 대한 문제점(問題點) 및 그 대책(對策)에 對(대)하여 조사연구(調査硏究)를 하였다. 호남지방(湖南地方)(전북(全北), 전남(全南), 충남(忠南) 및 광주시(光州市))에 있어서 92년(年) 현재(現在) 직파면적(直播面積)은 건답(乾畓)이 732.1ha 담수(湛水)가 918.7ha로 총(總)1,650ha 였다. 1. 건답직파(乾畓直播) 농가(農家)의 잡초방제(雜草防除) 현황(現況)을 보면 건답기간(乾畓期間)에는 파종(播種) 3-5일(日) 후(後)에 butachlor 유제(乳劑)나 입제(粒劑)를 처리(處理)하였으며 극(極)히 소수(少數)의 농가(農家)는 benthiocarb 나 chlornitrofen 유제(乳劑)도 사용(使用)하였다. 또 벼 발아전(發芽前) 10-14일(日) 후(後) butachlor에 praquat을 혼합(混合)(Tank Mixture) 하여 처리(處理)한 농가(農家)도 있었다. 그리고 이어서 파종(播種) 35~40 일(日) 사이 담수후(湛水後)에는 Sulfonyl-urea계(系) 합제(合劑)를 처리(處理)하는 체계처리(體系處理)를 택(擇)하고 있었고 상기(上記) 제초제(除草劑)를 처리(處理)하고도 방제(防除)되지 못한 잔초(殘草)는 Bentazon + quinclorac 수화제(水和劑)로 마무리 제초(除草)를 하고 있었다. 2. 대부분(大部分)의 농가(農家)는 담수직파(湛水直播)에 있어서 제초제처리(除草劑處理)를 할때는 각(各) 제초제(除草劑)에 대한 특성(特性)을 이해(理解)하지 못한 가운데 선택(選擇)을 했거나, 특히 제초제(除草劑)의 처리적기(處理適期)를 지나서 처리(處理)하여 실패(失敗)한 경우(境遇)가 많았다. 그 중(中) 제초제처리(除草劑處理)에 비교적(比較的) 성공(成功)한 농가(農家)의 사례(事例)는 다음 4종류(種類)로 요약(要約)된다. (1) 파종전(播種前) 처리(處理) : 파종(播種) 5-9 일(日) 前 써레질 직후(直後) oxadiazon, butachlor 또는 benthiocarb를 처리(處理)하고 이어서 파종(播種) 20일(日) 후(後)에 sulfonyl-urea계(系) 합제(合劑)를 처리(處理)한 체계처리(體系處理) (2) 써레질후(後) 10 일항(日項)에(피 2엽기(葉期) 이내(以內))에 bensulfuron-methyl + dimepiprate 또는 pyrazosulfuron-ethyl + Molinate, bensulfuron-methy1 + mefenacet + dymron 등을 처리(處理)한 체계(體系)(두 제초제(除草劑)는 초기(初期) 약간(若干)의 약해(藥害) - 그후(後) 회복(回復)) (3) 써레질 18-20 일(日) 후(後)(피 3.0 엽(葉))에 bensulfuron-methyl + quinclorac, Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl + quinclorac, bentazon + quinclorac 입제(粒劑) 등(等)의 처리(處理)는 약해(藥害)도 없고 제한효과(制限效果)도 우수(優秀)하여 성공적(成功的)이었다. 그러나 그외(外)의 sulfunyl-urea계(系) 합제중(合劑中) 중기처리(中期處理) 제초제(除草劑)는 피에 대한 방제효과防除效果)가 불완전(不完全)하여 바로 이어서 bentazon+quinclorac 수화제(水和劑)의 추가처리(追加處理)가 필수적(必須的)이었다. 3. 직파재배(直播栽培)에 있어서 엽기(葉期)가 진행(進行)된 피에 대하여 우수(優秀)한 살초효과(殺草效果)를 나타낸 quinclorac합제(合劑) 대신 대체(代替) 가능(可能)한 제초제(除草劑)를 찾고자 우리나라에 등록(登錄)된 41종(種)의 논 제초제(除草劑)를 화합물(化合物) 계통별(系統別)로 분류(分類)하고 각각(各各)의 특징(特徵)과 처리적기(處理適期)를 분석(分析)한 결과(結果) 초기처리(初期處理)가 약(約)70% 였으며 그 외(外)에는 중기(中期) 및 후기처리(後期處理) 제초제(除草劑)였다. 담수직파재배(湛水直播栽培)에서는 파종후( 播種後) 벼가 완전(完全)히 착근(着根)하고 뜬묘나 누은묘가 없는 시기(時期)에 제초제(除草劑)를 처리(處理)하는 것이 완전(完全)하다. 그런데 이때에는 피가 2.5- 3.0엽기(葉期) 이상(以上) 되므로 처리적기폭(處理適期幅)이 넓은 除草劑가 절실(切實)히 필요(必要)하다. 따라서 일년생(一年生) 및 다년생(多年生) 잡초(雜草)를 동시(同時)에 방제(防除)할 수 있는 sulfonyl-urea 계합제중(系合劑中) 중기처리제(中期處理劑) 6종(種)과 bentazon + quinclorac 합제(合劑) 2종(種)을 공시(供試)하여 피 3.0엽기(葉期) 이상(以上)에서 담수조건(湛水條件)에서는 토양처리(土壤處理) 그리고 건답조건(乾畓條件)에서는 경엽처리(莖葉處理)하여 피 엽기별(葉期別) 살초(殺草) 스펙트램을 검정(檢定) 실시(實施)하였다. 그 결과(結果)(Table 9, 10, 11) 살초폭(殺草幅)이 넓은 순위(順位)는 bentazon + quinclorac WP>bentazon+quinclorac G>Bensulfuron-methyl + quinclorac G>pyrazosulfuron-ethyl + quinclorac G>pyrazosulfuron-ethyl + Molinate>bensulfuron-methyl + mefenacet +dymron G>bensulfuron-methyl + mefenacet G>bensulfuron-methyl + benthiocarb G로 나타났으며 농가포장(農家圃場)에서 직면(直面)한 결과(結果)와도 부합(符合)된다. 결론적(結論的)으로 건답직파(乾畓直播) 담수직파(湛水直播)를 막론(莫論)하고 피 엽기(葉期)가 3.0엽기(葉期) 이상(以上)으로 진행(進行)된 상태(狀態)에서는 bentazon + quinclorac합제(合劑)를 대체(代替)할 제초제(除草劑)는 아직 없다. 따라서 직파재배(直播栽培) 정착(定着)을 위해서는 quinclorac합제(合劑)는 농가(農家) 공급(供給)이 지속(持續)되어져야 된다. 직파재배(直播栽培)의 조속(早速)한 정착(定着)을 위하여 다음 사항(事項)을 제안(提案)한다. 1. 관(官), 농민(農民), 연구지도기관(硏究指導機關)이 일절(一切)가 된 가칭(假稱) 직파재배시험(直播栽培試驗) 연구위원회(硏究委員會)를 지방별(地方別)로 조직운영(組織運營)할 것. 2. 정밀(精密)한 세조파기(細條播機) 및 직파전용(直播專用) 품종개발연구(品種開發硏究) 3. 새 피해(被害) 방지연구(防止硏究) 4. 잡초방제기술(雜草防除技術)의 체계확립(體系確立)에 대한 다면적연구(多面的硏究) 5. 토지기반조성(土地基盤組成) 확충(擴充)과 정밀(精密)한 정지작업(整地作業) 기술연구(技術硏究) 및 항공산파법(航空散播法) 연구(硏究).

This study was conducted to survey the situation of direct rice seeding in Honam province in Korea to investigate problems and seek countermeasure of weed control in direct rice seeding. The total area of direct rice seeding in the south-western part of Korea (Chonbuk, Chonnam, and Chungnam) was 1650.8ha (732.1ha for direct seeding in dry field and 918.7ha for direct seeding in flooding field) in 1992. The followings are summary of the study. 1. In case of direct rice seeding in dry field, butachlor EC and G at 3 to 5 DAS was mostly selected by farmers to control weeds in dry field. Benthiocarb or chlornitrofen was also used in few cases. At 10 to 14 DAS just before rice emergence, tank misture of butachlor EC and paraquat was treated by some farmers. At 35 to 40 days, after flooding mixture of sulfonylurea derivatives was sequentially applied. Surviving weeds including barnyardgrass were finally controlled by mixture of bentazon+quinclorac WP foliage application. 2. In case of direct rice seeding in flooding field, weed control were mostly unsuccessful partially due to wrong selection of herbicide and missing the optimum application time. Three relatively successful weed control in the survey were summarized as follows. 1) Oxadiazon EC, butachlor or benthiocarb were treated just after puddling(5 to 7 days before seeding). then mixture of bentazone+quinclorac WP or sulfonylurea derivatives was sequently applied to control remaining weeds at 20 days after seeding. 2) Mixtures of bensulfuronmethyl+dimepiperate G, pyrazosulfuronethyl+molinate G, or bensulfuronmethyl+mefenacet+dymron G were applied at 11 days after puddling when barnyardgrass were at 2.0 leaf stage. Phytotoxicity was not found in case of mixture of bensulfuronmethyl+dimepiperate G but found in the other two cases but disappeared later. 3) Mixtures of bensulfuronmethyl+quinclorac G., pyrazosulfuronethyl+quinclorac G or betazone and quinclorac G were treated after 18 to 20 days after puddling when barnyardgrass was within 3.0 leaf stage. It showed good weed control in both annuals and perrenials without phytotoxicity. On the contrary, other sulfonylurea derivatives such as middle periodic herbicide showed poor weed control against barnyardgrass, so that sequential treatment of bentazone+quinclorac WP mixture was required. 3. Herbicidal characteristics and optimum application time of 45 rigistered herbicides in Korea were analyzed to discover new substitute for quinclorac mixture, that showed excellent weed control against barnyardgrass at its 3 leaf stage or older. The analysis revealed that 70% of herbicides were for preemergence and the others were post periodic herbicide. Most farmers favor to apply herbicide when rice seedlings completely rooted, at this time barnyardgrass are at 2.5-3.0 leaf stage. Therefore herbicide of which optimum application time had long is required. In this study. 6 middle periodic herbicides among sulfonylurea derivatives and 2 quinclorac mixture were selected and evaluated their weeding spectrums at different leaf stage of barnyardgrass in both soil application in flooding condition and foliage application in dry paddy field. The order of weeding spectrum in magnitude was as follows : bentazone+quinclorac WP> bentazone + quinclorac G>bensulfuronmethyl + quinclorac G>pyrazosulfuronethyl + quinclorac G> pyrazosulfuronethyl + Molinate G>bensulfuronmethyl + mefenacet + dymron G>bensulfuronmethyl + mefenacet G>bensulfuron methyl+benthiocarb G. The above results coincided with that of the survey. In conclusion, there is no proper substitute for quinclorac mixrure, which can control barnyardgrass at 3.0 leaf stage or even older. Therefore quinclorac should be supplied continuously to farmers in order to anchor direct rice seeding in Korea. Author suggested the followings to eastablish direct rice seeding technology effectively and quickly : 1) A tentatively named "The research committee for direct rice seeding" which was composed of farmers. researchers and goberment. should be eastablished to cooperate effectively. 2) Development of a pricise direct rice seeding machine for both dry and flooding paddy field. which is workable regardless of condition and varieties of seeds. 3) Study on protecting rice seed and seedling from sparrows. 4) Systematic studies of weed control techniques in direct rice seeding to standardize herbicide application. 5) Studies on farm-land reformation. techniques of precise land preparation. and direct rice seeding using an airplane.
