효율적인 화상자료 처리와 시각 시스템과 CAD시스템의 인터페이스에 관한 연구

A Study on Efficient Image Processing and CAD-Vision System Interface

  • 발행 : 1992.12.31


Up to now, most researches on production automation have concentrated on local automation, e. g. CAD, CAM, robotics, etc. However, to achieve total automation it is required to link each local modules such as CAD, CAM into a unified and integrated system. One such missing link is between CAD and computer vision system. This thesis is an attempt to link the gap between CAD and computer vision system. In this paper, we propose algorithms that carry out edge detection, thinning and pruning from the image data of manufactured parts, which are obtained from video camera and then transmitted to computer. We also propose a feature extraction and surface determination algorithm which extract informations from the image data. The informations are compatible to IGES CAD data. In addition, we suggest a methodology to reduce search efforts for CAD data bases. The methodology is based on graph submatching algorithm in GEFG(Generalized Edge Face Graph) representation for each part.
