수종 근관확대 기구의 만곡된 치근관 성형능력

  • Kim, Myeong-Su (Department of Conservative Dentistry, College of Dentistry Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Son, Ho-Hyun (Department of Conservative Dentistry, College of Dentistry Chonbuk National University)
  • 김명수 (전북대학교 치과대학 보존학교실) ;
  • 손호현 (전북대학교 치과대학 보존학교실)
  • Published : 1992.03.31


Four endodontic instruments from different manufacturers(K - file, Hedstrom - file, K - flex - file, Cavi - Endo) were used to shape 80 mesial canals of extracted posterior teeth. The instrument's ability to enlarge and shape the canals as the original canal shape was assessed by superimposing radiographs of canals obtained before and after canal shaping. The results were as follows 1. Hedstrom - file enlarged canals greater than K - file, K - flex - file, and Cavi - Endo(P<0.05). There are no differences in canal enlargement among K - flex, K - flex - file, and Cavi - Endo(P<0.05). 2. All the instruments showed no difference in canal enlargement between convex side and concave side of B point in proximal and clinical radiographic views, but at the concave side of C point canals were enlarged greater than at the convex side(proximal view of K - file: P<0.05, the others: P<0.01). 3. There was no difference m canal enlargement between convex side and concave side in proximal view of A and D points of K - file and K - flex - file(P<0.05). But in clinical view, canal enlargement at convex side of A point and concave side of D point was greater than that at concave side of A point and convex side of D point respectively. 4. Hedstrom - files showed greater canal enlargement at convex side of A points and concave side of D points (P<0.05 or P<0.01). Cavi - Endo showed no difference in canal enlargement between convex side and concave side at A and D points in proximal view(P<0.05). Bur canal enlargement was greater at concave side than at convex side of D point in clinical view. 5. K - file and Cavi - Endo showed no differences in canal enlargement between convex and concave side in proximal and clinical view (P<0.05). K - flex - file showed greater canal enlargement at concave side in proximal and clinical view(P<0.0:5). Hedstrom file showed no difference in canal enlargement between convex side and concave side in proximal view, but showed greater canal enlargement at concave side in clinical view(P<0.05).
