Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
- Volume 25 Issue 1 Serial No. 37
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- Pages.26-33
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- 1992
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- 1975-8375(pISSN)
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- 2233-4521(eISSN)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome among Packing Workers in A Rayon Manufacturing Factory
모 사업장 포장부서 근로자들에서 발생한 수근터널증후군에 대한 조사연구
Lee, Won-Jin
(Department of Preventive Medicine and Institute for Environmental Health, Medical School, Korea University) ;
Lee, Eun-Il
(Department of Preventive Medicine and Institute for Environmental Health, Medical School, Korea University) ;
- Cha, Chul-Whan (Department of Preventive Medicine and Institute for Environmental Health, Medical School, Korea University)
(고려대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실 및 환경의학연구소) ;
(고려대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실 및 환경의학연구소) ;
- 차철환 (고려대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실 및 환경의학연구소)
- Published : 1992.03.01
The carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the most common peripheral nerve entrapment syndromes. The typical symptoms are pain, numbness and paresthesia in the median nerve territory of the hand. Recently, it is widely recognized that occupational factor is regarded as the important cause of the carpal tunnel syndrome. Clinical study is performed in the 42 female workers who is repetitively working at packing department in a rayon manufacturing factory from November 1991 till March 1992. The study included a questionnaire, physical examinations, and the neurophysiological test. The summary of the results obtained was as follows : 1. Among 42 packing workers, 9 workers(21.4%) were diagnosed as carpal tunnel syndrome by electromyography. The affected side was bilateral in 4 workers(9.5%), right in 4 workers(9.5%), and left in one worker(2.4%). 2. Among 42 subjects, 28 workers(66.7%) complained the clinical symptoms related to carpal tunnel syndrome, 11 workers(26.2%) showed positive Phalen sign, and 7 workers(16.7%) showed positive Tinel sign. 3. Researchers regard electromyographic finding as the gold standard for diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. The sensitivity and specificity of the clinical symptoms to diagnose the carpal tunnel syndrome were 0.89, 0.39 respectively. If the carpal tunnel syndrome is diagnosed by the combination of the positive findings of the symptoms and the physical examinations, either Tinel or Phalen sign, the sensitivity and specificity were 0.67 and 0.76 respectively. Considering above results, though this small number of workers is not adequate for epidemiologic conclusions, carpal tunnel syndrome seems to be an important occupational disorder among packing workers in a rayon manufacturing factory.
반복작업에 종사하는 모 사업장 포장부서 근로자 42명을 대상으로 수근터널증후군에 대한 중상, 이학적 검사 및 근전도 검사를 1991년 11월부터 1992년 3월까지 실시하였다. 양손 모두에서 근전도상 이상소견을 보인 경우가 4명, 오른쪽 손에만 이상소견을 보인 경우가 4명 그리고 왼손이 1명 등 총 9명으로서 21.4%의 높은 유병률을 나타내었다. 임상중상은 전체 42명중 66.7%에 해당되는 28명에서 나타났다. Tinel과 Phalen sign 등 이학적 검사에서 이상소견을 보인 경우는 14명으로 전체의 33.3%를 차지하였다. 그리고 키와 임신 횟수를 제외한 수근터널증후군에 대한 다른 일반적 위험요인은 환자군과 비환자군에서 유의한 차이는 없었다. 근전도 검사를 기준으로 하였을 때 임상증상에 대한 민감도는 0.89, 특이도는 0.39이었고 Tinel sign에서는 각각 0.33, 0.88 그리고 Phalen sign에서는 0.56, 0.82 등이었다. 임상증상이 있고 Tinel과 Phalen sign에서 어느 하나 양성으로 나타나는 것을 선별기준으로 하였을 경우의 민감도와 특이도는 0.57, 0.76이었다.