Journal of the Korean Society for Heat Treatment (열처리공학회지)
- Volume 5 Issue 4
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- Pages.233-239
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- 1992
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- 1225-1070(pISSN)
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- 2508-4046(eISSN)
Precipitation Behavior at Low Ageing Temperature in Al-Li Binary Alloy
Al-Li 2원 합금의 저온 시효석출 특성
- Song, K.H. (Sam Sun Industrial Co.. LTD.) ;
- Cheong, T.S. (Changwon Industrial Masters College) ;
Woo, K.D.
(Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Chonbuk National University)
- Published : 1992.12.31
A study of the precipitation process of Al-Li binary alloy at low ageing temperature has been carried by electrical resistivity measurement. Two types of G.P.zones were formed during ageing at low temperature. G.P. (1) zone and G.P. (2) zone have been formed primarily at ageing temperature below