地下터널 굴착作業場內 作業環境豫測

Prediction of the Environmental Conditions in Underground Tunnelling Spaces

  • 발행 : 1992.06.01


A comprehensive, nonsteady state, computer simulation program for the environmental conditions in advancing tunnels (the HEADSIM simulation program) is constructed and successfully validated with heat balance amongst all heat sources, and with mass conservation amongst various airflows including the leakage air from ducts, under timedependent variations of inlet air conditions. which include sudden, diurnal and seasonal changes. Heat conduction in the wall strata and face strata is simulated with most complicated boundary conditions using the finite difference method, and the climatic conditions in roadway sections which contain air ducts, booster fan, spray cooler, compressed air pipes, cold water pipes, return water pipes, machinery and broken rock are simulated taking into account the variations of face operation and the heat storage mechanism in the strata. The limitations of simulation time steps and roadway section lengths are defined according to the stability criteria satisfying the principles of thermodynamics. Variations of heat transfer coefficients, which are newly set, and those of wetness factors are taken into account according to the variations of other parameters and the stepwise advance of the face. Newly-derived formulae are used for computing the air duct leakage and the pressure inside of the duct. A new concept of an 'imaginary duct' is introduced to simulate the climatic conditions in tunnels during holiday periods, which directly affect conditions on subsequent working days under the consideration of natural convection. A subsidiary program (the WALLSIM simulation program) is made to compute the dimensionless tunnel surface temperatures and to compare the results with those from analytical approaches, and to demonstrate the stability, convergence and accuracy of the strata heat conduction simulation, adopting the finite difference method. The WALLSIM also has wide applications, including those for the computation of age coefficients.
