Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society (한국자기학회지)
- Volume 2 Issue 3
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- Pages.268-275
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- 1992
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- 1598-5385(pISSN)
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- 2233-6648(eISSN)
Improvement of Field Uniformity in a Multicurrent Solenoid by Rabi's NMR Method
Rabi 핵자기 공명법을 이용한 다전류 솔레노이드의 자장균일도 향상
Kim, Cheol-Gi
(Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science) ;
Yu, Gwon-Sang
(Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science) ;
U, Byeong-Chil
(Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science) ;
- Kim, Chang-Seok (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science)
- Published : 1992.11.01
The multicurrent method composed of a main and auxiliary currents was used to make the uniform field near the solenoid center. The auxiliary currents were determined to give the spherical symmetry in the field uniformity from the Legendre polynomials. Rabi's NMR system using polarized flowing water has been constructed and the field of a 4-current solenoid has been determined from the resonance frequency. The field uniformity along the solenoid axis has been improved by adjusting the auxiliary currents.
솔레노이드 중심 부근에서 균일자장을 형성하기위해 주전류와 보조전류로 이루어진 다전류 방법을 사용하였으며, 자장의 Legendre 전개로 부터 구대칭 균일자장 공간형성을 위한 보조전류의 조건을 구하였다. 분극된 흐르는 물을 이용한 Rabi 핵자기 공명법에 의한 저자장 측정시스템을 구하고 이를 이용하여 솔레노이드 축상의 자장분포를 측정하였으며, 보조전류를 미세조정하여 그 균일도를 향상시켰다.