소동물 X-선 진단에 있어서 광범위 관용도 필림의 이용에 관하여

Application of Wide Latitude Film to Radiographic Diagnosis in Small Animal

  • 최민철 (경상대학교 수의과대학)
  • 발행 : 1992.12.01


To elucidate the applicability of the wide latitude X-ray film for radiographic diagnosis and treatment of diseases in small animals, the quality of the wide latitude film was compared with that of the standard latitude film which is commonly used in veterinary clinic. The images of head, neck, thorax, abdomen, extremities and joints were radiographed with the wide latitude and standard latitude film in fourteen dogs. In soft tissues such as abdominal organs, lung, skin, mammary glands, the clearer and higher contrast of the image was observed on the wide latitude film. And these advantages were more apparent in pneumoeritoneography. Therefore. it can be suggested that the wide latitude film is practically useful for the evaluation of the images of soft tissues, and also can be used on hard tissue radiography with the same quality as the standard latitude film.
