Enantiomeric Separation of Free Amino Acids Using N-alkyl-L-proline Copper(Ⅱ) Complex as Chiral Mobile Phase Additive in Reversed Phase Liquid Chromatography

  • Lee Sun Haing (Department of Chemistry, Teachers College Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Oh Tae Sub (Department of Chemistry, Teachers College Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Lee Hae Woon (R & D Center, KOLON Ind. Inc.)
  • 발행 : 1992.06.20


Enantiomeric separation of free amino acids has been achieved by a reversed phase liquid chromatography with addition of a Cu(Ⅱ) complex of N-alkyl-L-proline (alkyl: propyl, pentyl or octyl) to the mobile phase. The amino acids eluted were detected by a postcolumn OPA system. N-alkyl-L-proline was prepared and used as a chiral ligand of Cu(Ⅱ) chelate for the enantiomeric separation. The concentration of the Cu(Ⅱ) chelate, the organic modifier and pH affect the enantiomeric separation of free amino acids. The retention behaviour, varied with change in pH and the concentration of the Cu(Ⅱ) chelate, was different compared with those of the derivatized amino acids. The elution orders between D- and L-forms were consistent except histidine showing that L-forms elute earlier than D-forms. The retention mechanism for the enantiomeric separation can be illustrated by the stereospecificity of the ligand exchange reaction and the hydrophobic interaction between the substituent of amino acids and reversed phase, $C_18$.



  1. Science v.204 P. E. Hare;E. Gil-AV
  2. Anal. Chem. v.52 C. Gilon;R. Leghem;E. Grushka
  3. J. Am. Chem. Soc. v.101 C. Gilon;R. Leghem;J. Tapuhi;E. Grushka
  4. J. Chromatogr. v.255 E. Grushka;R. Leghem;C. Gilon
  5. J. Chromatogr. v.199 S. Lam;F. Chow;A. Karmen
  6. Anal. Chem. v.51 J. Lepage;W. Lindner;G. Davies;D. Seitz;B. Karger
  7. J. Chromatogr. v.185 W. Lindner;J. N. Lepage;G. Davies;D. E. Seitz;B. L. Karger
  8. J. Am. Chem. Soc. v.98 G. D. Y. Sogah;D. J. Cram
  9. J. Am. Chem. Soc. v.102 E. Gil-Av;A. Tishbee;P. E. Hare
  10. J. Chromatogr. Sci. v.23 R. Wernicke
  11. Anal. Biochem. v.121 S. Weinstein;M. H. Engle;P. E. Hare
  12. Angev. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. v.21 S. Weinstein
  13. Trends. Anal. Chem. v.3 S. Weinstein
  14. J. Chromatogr. v.318 S. Weinstein;N. Grinberg
  15. Chromatographia v.17 V. A. Davankov;A. A. Kurganov
  16. Anal. Chem. v.43 M. Roth
  17. Science v.178 S. Udenfriend;S. Stein;P. Bohlen;W. Dairman;W. Leimgruber;M. Weigele
  18. J. Chromatogr. v.368 Stainly Lam;Galina Malikin
  19. J. Chromatogr. v.204 Y. Ishida;T. Fujita;K. Asai
  20. J. Chromatogr. v.352 N. Nimura;T. Kinoshita
  21. J. Chromatogr. v.355 S. Lam
  22. Anal. Chem. v.101 W. S. Gardner;W. H. Miller Ⅲ
  23. J. Chromatogr. v.285 J. D. H. Cooper;M. T. Lewis;D. C. Trunell
  24. Russian Chem Review v.43 V. A. Davankov;A. A. Kurganov;S. V. Rogoshin
  25. Koordination Khim. v.4 A. A. Kurganov;L. Ya. Zhuchkova;V. A. Davankov
  26. Anal. Biochem. v.93 J. R. Cronin;S. Pizzarello;W. E. Gandy
  27. Anal. Biochem. v.101 V. J. K. Svedas;I. J. Galaev;I. L. Borisov;I. V. Berezin
  28. J. Chromatogr. v.266 R. L. Cunico;T. Schlabach
  29. J. Chromatogr. v.83 M. Roth;A. Hampai
  30. Anal. Biochem. v.82 S. S. Simons;D. F. Johnson
  31. Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. v.9 S. H. Lee;T. S. Oh;B. E. Kim
  32. M. S. Thesis, Kyungpook National University J. M. Kim
  33. Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. v.7 S. H. Lee;J. W. Rhu;K. S. Park
  34. Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. v.10 S. H. Lee;T. S. Oh;S. H. Bak

피인용 문헌

  1. Gold nanoparticle-based colorimetric chiral discrimination of histidine: application to determining the enantiomeric excess of histidine vol.6, pp.1, 2014,