유.무한신육형 콩의 생육 및 수량형질 특성

Characteristics of Growth and Yield Characters in Determinate and Indeterminate Soybeans

  • 발행 : 1992.10.01


본 시험은 유ㆍ무한신육형간의 생육 및 수량형질의 차이와 그 변이정도를 구명하여 콩 육종과 재배의 기초자료를 얻고자 '89년에 수원 작물시험장에서 실시하였다. 유한신육형인 황금콩과 장엽콩, 무한신육형인 Clark와 Williams를 공시하여 신육형간의 생육과 수량형질의 차이를 구명한 바 그 주요결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 무한신육형은 유한신육형보다 개화시로부터 정엽전개기까지의 일수가 평균 30일 더 길었으며 개화시 이후 주경절수도 7-8개 정도 더 증가되었다. 2. 유한신육형은 성숙기의 협실과 경의 건물중이 중하부에서 많았으며, 무한신육형은 중간부위에서 많았다. 3. 전 생육기간을 통하여 유한신육형이 무한신육형에 비하여 단립면적당 건립중이 높게 경과하였으나 무한신육형은 영양생장기간이 길고, 생육후기에 있어서 엽면적의 유특능력이 유한신육형보다 컸다. 4. 개체간 변이는 분지형질>주경과 개체전체의 생육 및 수량형질>주경의 형태적형질과 100립중의 순이었다. 5. 초기에 형성되는 생육형질보다는 후기에 성립되는 수량형질의 변이가 대체로 크게 나타났고, 무한신육형이 유한신육형보다 변이가 컸다. 6. 개체내 1립중의 변이계수가 유한신육형은 13.6-13.8%, 무한신육형은 18.5-21.1% 로서 유한신육형이 무한신육형보다 개체내 1립중의 변이가 작아 립의 평균일도가 높았다.

The main purpose of these studies was to obtain the basic informations necessary to develop soybean varieties. Two determinate soybean varieties, Hwangkeumkong and Jangyeobkong, and two indeterminate varieties, Clark and Williams were used to study the differences in growth and yield characters. Indeterminate varieties showed 30 days longer in days from intial flowering to terminal leaf stage and increased 7-8 more nodes on mainstem after initial flowering than determinate varieties. Determinate varieties were greater at middle-upper part, while indeterminate varieties were greater in middle part for the dry weight of the pods and stem at maturity. Total dry weight per unit area was greater in determinate varieties than in indeterminate ones from the early growth to maturity. However, the duration of vegetative growth was longer and the ability to keep leaf area index in the late growth stage was higher in indeterminate varieties. Variations among plants were greater in the order of branch related characters > mainstem, total vegetative, and yield related characters > morphological characters of mains tern and 100 seed weight. In general, variations of vegetative characters formed in the early growth stage were greater than those of yield characters formed in the late growth stage. On the other hand, the variations of those characters were greater in indeterminate varieties than in determinate ones. Variation of a seed weight within a plant was much smaller in determinate varieties than in indeterminate ones : i.e. coefficients of variation of a seed weight within a plant were from 13.6 to 13.8% in determinate varieties and were from 18.5 to 21.1% in indeterminate varieties, respectively.
