신경 회로망을 이용한 로보트의 동력학적 시각 서보 제어

Dynamic Visual Servo Control of Robot Manipulators Using Neural Networks

  • 박재석 (포항공과대학 전자전기공학과) ;
  • 오세영 (포항공과대학 전자전기공학과)
  • 발행 : 1992.10.01


For a precise manipulator control in the presence of environmental uncertainties, it has long been recognized that the robot should be controlled in a task-referenced space. In this respect, an effective visual servo control system for robot manipulators based on neural networks is proposed. In the proposed control system, a Backpropagation neural network is used first to learn the mapping relationship between the robot's joint space and the video image space. However, in the real control loop, this network is not used in itself, but its first and second derivatives are used to generate servo commands for the robot. Second, and Adaline neural network is used to identify the approximately linear dynamics of the robot and also to generate the proper joint torque commands. Computer simulation has been performed demonstrating the proposed method's superior performance. Futrhermore, the proposed scheme can be effectively utilized in a robot skill acquisition system where the robot can be taught by watching a human behavioral task.
