A Proposal of Descent Multi-point Search Method and Its Learning Algorithm for Optimum Value

최적치 계산을 위한 점감다점탐색법과 그 학습 알고리즘의 제안

  • 김주홍 (동국대학교 전자공학과) ;
  • 공휘식 (동국대학교 전자공학과) ;
  • 이광직 (동국대학교 전자공학과)
  • Published : 1992.08.01


In this paper, the decrease multipoint search method and Its learning algorithm for optimum value computatlon method of object function Is proposed. Using this method, the number of evaluation point according to searching time can t)e reduced multipoint of the direct search method by applying the unlivarlate method. And the learning algorithm can reprat the same search method in a new established boundary by using the searched result. In order to Investigate the efficience of algorithm, this method this method is applied to Rosenbrock and Powell, Colvelle function that are Impossible or uncertain in traditional direct search method. And the result of application, the optimum value searching oil every function Is successful. Especially, the algorithm is certified as a good calculation method for producing global(absolute) optimum value.
