- The Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain and North-Western Europe Bon,M.
Pilze, Band 2, BLV Verlagsell Schaft, Munchen Wunchen Wien Z
$\"{u}$ rich Cetto,B. - The Report of the KACN v.30 The Mycoflora of Highter Fungi in Mt. Balwang Cho,D.H.
- The Report of the KACN v.29 The Mycoflora of Higher Fungi in Mt. Songni Cho,D.H.;C.I.Ryoo
- Kor. J. Mycol. v.8 no.1 Fungal Flora in Bamboo Forests of Korea(Ⅱ) Cho,D.H.;J.Y.Lee
- Kor. J. Mycol. v.19 no.1 Notes on genus Entoloma of Korea(Ⅰ) Cho,D.H.;S.S.Park
- Kor. J. Mycol. v.19 no.2 Notes on genus Entoloma of Korea(Ⅱ) Cho,D.H.;S.S.Park
- Kor. J. Mycol. v.19 no.4 Notes on genus Entoloma of Korea(Ⅱ) Cho,D.H.;S.S.Park
- Nova Hedwigia v.23 Entoloma in Southeastern North America Hesler,L.R.
- The Report of the KACN v.9 A report on the Scientific Survey of Mt. Chiaksan Areas Hong,S.W.;H.S.Chung
- Korean Jour. Botany v.20 no.1 Fleshy Basidiomycetes in Mt.Jogye Hong,S.W.;H.S.Chung
- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. v.18 no.4 The Agaricales of Japan 1-2(Rhodophyllaceae, Paxillaceae, Gomphidiaceae, Botetaceae and Strobilobycetaceae) Hong,T.
- Nova Hedwigia 65 Entoloma(Agaricales) in Indomalaya and Australasia Horak,E.
- Colored Illustrations of Mushrooms of Japan v.Ⅰ mazeki,R.;T.Hongo
- Mycological Flora of Japan v.2 no.4 to,S.
- Korean Mushrooms Kim,S.S.;Y.S.Kim
- Kor. J. Mycol. v.8 no.1 Notes on Korean Agaricales(Ⅰ) Kim,Y.S.;Y.H.Park;K.C.Shin;T.Hongo
- Kor. J. Mycol. v.6 no.2 Suggestion on “Standard Korean Names of Mushrooms in Korea” Korean Society of Mycology
- Methuen Handbook of Color Kornerup,a.;J.H.Wanscher
- Mushrooms and Toadstools Lange,M.;F.B.Hora
- The genus leptonia on the pacific Coast of the United States Largent,D.L.
- The List of Fingi of Korea Lee,J.Y.
- Korean J. Botany v.16 no.3;4 The Higher Fungi of Kwangneung forests Institute(Ⅰ) Lee,J.Y.
- The Report of the KACN v.10 A report on the Scientific Survey of Bulyrongsa Valley Lee,J.Y.
- Kor. J. Mycol. v.9 no.2 Taxonomical Studies on Korean Highter Fungi for the Publication of Colored Illustrations Lee,J.Y.
- Kor. J. Mycol. v.6 no.1 Notes on Korean Higher Fungi(Ⅳ) Lee,J.Y.;D.H.Cho;S.S.Kim
- Illustrated Flora and Fauna of Korea 28, Mushrooms Lee,J.Y.;S.W.Hong
- Coloured Illustrations of Fungi Lee,J.Y.;Y.W.Lee;J.H.Lim
- Kor. J. Mycol. v.18 no.4 The Full List of Recorded Mushrooms in Korea Lee,T.S.
- The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms Lincoff,G.H.
- Kor. J. Pharmacog. v.3 no.1 Taxonomic Investigation of Korean Higher Fungi(Ⅰ) Lim,J.H.;B.K.Kim
- Nova Hedwigia 91 Entoloma(Agaricales) in Europe Noordeloos,M.E.
- Flora Agaricina Neerlandica Noordeloos,M.E.
- Entoloma in North America, The Species described by L.R.Hesler,A.H.Smith and S.J.Mazzer Type-studied and comments Noordeloors,M.E.
- Kor. J. Mycol. v.16 no.3 The Flora of Higher Fungi in Mt.Jiri Areas Park,S.S.;D.H.Cho
- Mushrooms and other fungi Great Britain and Europe Pam Books Phillips,R.
- The Agaricales in modern Taxonomy(3rd ed.) Singer,R.