한국산과 일본산 더덕 ( Codonopsis lanceolata ) 의 종자 발아 특성에 관한 비교 연구 ( Germinability of Codonopsis lanceolata Benth. et Hook. fil. of Korea and Japan )

  • Published : 1992.05.01


Germination characteristic between Korean species and Japanese one were identified. Seed waslow temperture germinability. Optimum temperature of germination:on was 16$^{\circ}C$ -19$^{\circ}C$. Germinationrate was effected more when treated with GA3 of 1000ppm at shade and light place. Germinationrate was no significant difference between Korean species and japanese one. e.



  1. 藥草植物의 栽培 李相來(外 2人)
  2. PHYSLLOGIA PLANTARUM v.73 Control of Growth Flowering of C. moriflium and H. macrophylla by Gibberellin Neil,W.Stuart;H.M.Cathey
  3. Journal of Environmentel Horticulture v.9 Seed germination of intermountain penstemons as influenced by stratification and GA₃treatments KITCHEN,S.G.;MEYER,S.E.
  4. PHYSLLOGIA PLANTARUM v.81 Germination behaviour of Dactyloctenium aegyptium from two localities in Nigeria O.T.Okusanya;A.A.Sonaike
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  8. 東洋資源植物學會誌 v.4 no.1 韓國産 더덕의 抗腫?性에 關한 硏究 李相來
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  10. 더덕의 種子 發芽 特性에 關한 硏究 金晟完(外1人)
  11. 栽培學 原論 趙載英(外 3人)
  12. 農學大辭典 坪井 八十二外4人
  13. 韓國産 더덕의 種子 發芽 特性 및 栽培에 關한 硏究 張鎭先
  14. 農林種子學總典 中村俊一部