황색종 담배의 시비량 및 토양조건에 따른 비휘발성 유기산 및 지방산 함량변화

Effect of Fertilizer Rate and Soil condition on Nonvolatile Organic and Higher Fatty Acids of Flue-cured Tobacco.

  • 정기철 (한국인삼연초연구소) ;
  • 최정 (경북대학교 농화학과)
  • Jang, G.C. (Korea Ginseng & Tobacco Research Institute) ;
  • Choi, J. (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Kyungpook National University)
  • 발행 : 1992.11.01


Field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of stalk position, compound fertilizer application rate (N-P2O5-K2O : 10-10-20 : 75, 100, 125kg/03), paddy and upland soil and varieties, NC82 &KF103, on nonvolatile organic and higher fatty acids of flue-cured tobacco. Followed by stalk position, malic, citric, malonic and succinic acid contents were significantly increased with higher stalk position, but oleic and linoleic acid contents were decreased with higher stalk position. The higher application rate of compound fertilizer results in increasing citric, malic, malonic and succinic acid contents, but the contents of higher fatty acids were not significantly influenced by fertilizer application rate. The cured leaf cultivated in paddy soil was higher citric and malic acid contents than in upland soil, but the contents of higher fatty acids have no difference between paddy and upland soil. The variety of KF103 was higher citric and linoleic acid contents than that of NC82, but the contents of higher fatty acids have no difference between varieties.
