石灰巖地域 소나무림과 측백나무림의 落葉生産, 分解 및 窒素와 燐의 動態

Litterfall, decomposition, and nutrient dynamics of litter in red pine (pinus densiflora) and chinese thuja (thuja orientalis) stands in the limestone area

  • 발행 : 1992.04.01


Litterfall, decomposition, and dynamics of n and p in decomposing litter were investigated for 2 years in red pine ( pinus densiflora) and chinese thuja( thuja orientalis)stands in the limestone area. Average litterfall in red pine and chinese thuja stands were 4, 535kgDM ha-1 yr-1 and 5, 010 kgDM ha-1 yr-1, respectively. Seasonal litterfall in red pine and chinese thuja stands showed peaks in November. concentrations of N and P in the needle litter were lowest in the winter when the greast litterfall occurred, and highest in the summer when the least litterfall occurred. However, those in chinese thuja scale leaf litter showed litter seasonal variation.amount of N and P returned to the forest floor through litterfall were 29.02kgN ha-1 yr-1 , 2.81 kg P ha-1 yr-1 for red pine stand, and 31.06 kg N ha-1 yr-1 , 2.86kgP ha-1 yr-1 for chinese thuja stand, respectively. After 21 mounts elapsed, needle and chinese thuja scale leaf litterbags lost 34.8% and 32.5% of the initial weight, respectively. N concentrations in the docomposing needle and chines thuja scale leaf litter decreased by 19% and 30%, respectively, after 1 month elapsed, and then gradually increased to exceed the initial concentration after 9 months elapsed and then gradually increased to exceed the initial concentration after 9 months elapsed in both of them, P in needle and chines thuja scale leaf litter decreased by 54% and 57% of the initial concentration, respectively, after 1 month elapsed. unlike N, P concentration in the decomposing litter did not exceed that of initial ones. Neyt immobilization period of N and P in decomposing litter did not occur over the study period.
