누두흉의 임상적 고찰;15례 보고

Clinical Analysis of Funnel Chest - Reports of 15 cases -

  • 발행 : 1992.08.01


The most common deformity of the sternum is the depression deformity, variously calid pectus Excavatum, funnel chest, schwusterbrust, trichterburst, thorax en entonnoir. During the period 1983 to 1991 a total of 15 cases of funnel chest were treated surgically at Department of Thoracic Surgery, Hanyang University Hospital. The age at the time of operation ranged from 4 to 26 years 73.3 percent of the patients were under 12 years of age They all had symptoms of feeling Inferiority about chest deformity. The concavity on the funnel chest varied in its Extent, and the severity, which was measured by water volume filled into it, varied from 45ml to 100ml. We have Experienced 15 cases of pectus Exc-avatum with several operative method, i.e., Ravitch operation in 2 cases, Taguchi operation in 3 cases[using by Both IMA], Adkins operation in 5 cases, Modified wada operation [sternal costal cartilage Elevation Technique] in 5 cases. After surgery, follow up vertebral Index showed 44%, preoperatively and 29% postoperatively, average decrement of 15%. We Reported 15 cases of funnel chest and the surgical results of thease cases were satisfactory Except one case of Ravitch operation.
