한계보수비용법 및 위험지수 평준화법에 의한 최적전원보수계획의 비교

A Comparative Study on Optimal Generation Maintenance Scheduling with Marginal Maintenance Cost and Levelized Risk Methods

  • 이봉용 (홍익대 공대 전기제어공학과) ;
  • 심건보 (홍익대 과학기술연구소)
  • 발행 : 1992.01.01


Proper resource allocation is also a very important topic in power system problems, especially in operation and planning. One such is optimal maintenance problem in operation and planning. Least cost and highest reliability should be the subjects to be pursued. A probabilistic operation simulation model developed recently by authors is applied to the proboem of optimal maintenance scheduling. Three different methods are compared, marginal maintenance cost, levelized risk and maintenance space. The method by the marginal maintenance costs shows the least cost, the highest reliability and the highest maintenance outage rates. This latter characteristics may considerably influence the results of genetation planning, because the usual maintenance outages obtained from the other methods have shown to be lower.
