A Systems Approach to Immune Response for Cancer Treatment

암 치료를 위한 면역반응의 체계적인 연구

  • ;
  • Ronald R.Mohier (Dept. of Electrical & computer Eng., Oregon State University, Corvallis, U.S.A.)
  • 이권순 (동아대학교 공과대학 전기공학과) ;
  • Published : 1992.09.01


This paper provides an overview of system analysis of immunology. The theoretical research in this area is aimed at an understanding of the precise manner by which the immune system controls Infec pious diseases, cancer, and AIDS. This can provide a systematic plan for immunological experimentation by means of an integrated program of immune system analysis, mathematical modeling and computer simulation. Biochemical reactions and cellular fission are naturally modeled as nonlinear dynamical processes to synthesize the human immune system! as well as the complete organism it is intended to protect. A foundation for the control of tumors is presented, based upon the formulation of a realistic, knowledge based mathematical model of the interaction between tumor cells and the immune system. Ordinary bilinear differential equations which are coupled by such nonlinear term as saturation are derived from the basic physical phenomena of cellular and molecular conservation. The parametric control variables relevant to the latest experimental data are also considered. The model consists of 12 states, each composed of first-order, nonlinear differential equations based on cellular kinetics and each of which can be modeled bilinearly. Finally, tumor control as an application of immunotherapy is analyzed from the basis established.



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