서울시내 사업체 단체급식소의 노동생산성 지수 평가에 관한 연구

Assessment of the Labor Productivity Indicies for Industry Foodservice Establishments in Seoul

  • 최선욱 (동아생명 연수원 영양사)
  • 발행 : 1992.09.01


Indicies of the labor productivity were assessed from 80 industry foodservice erstablishments in terms of meals served per labor hour, labor minutes per meal served, and labor cost per meal served. The labor productivity indicies were also assessed according to variables related to work such as working hours, paryment for the workers, volume of feeding, utilization of foodservice equipment, use of processed foods, and background of employees. The summary of the results was as follows: 1. Manufacturing sector among surveyed industry foodservice showed the highest labor productivity indicies followed by training institute. 2. 28.8% of surveyed establishments used dishwashing machine, while manual dishwashing was used in 71.3% of subjects, equipped rate point was 9.8 out of 20, and disposable dish was used in 30% of subjects. 3. A significant positive relationship was found between the number of meals and the labor procductivity indicies. As the number of meals increased, more meals were served per worker as per labor hour. 4. A significant negative relationship was found between price of meal and the labor productivity didicies. As the price of meal increased, less meals were served per worker as well as per labor hour.
