A Study of the Use of the Patterns of Children's Clothes

유아복의 원형활용방안에 관한 연구 I

  • 박정순 (부산대학교 가정대학 의류학과)
  • Published : 1992.03.01


The author distributed the questionaires which ask the idea of the purchase of children's clothes in order to help the emotinal development of children and to raise demostic economy. 89% of those who answered realized the necessity of home sewing. Because of the lack of sewing ability(66%), the author made comparatively easy patterns such as blouses for summer, skirts, short pants and one-piece dresses. To populrize these patterns, the aother used the measurements of body-measurement which were made by Korea Institute of Standard. The author studied the patterns and choice of patterns according to growing body. The author tested the clothes worn and visual evaluation for fitness of the patterns. The results are as follows: First; The author developed basic pattern 1 and 2 and applied to design A, B and C. Second: For every design, the author made patterns fit to the children. Third: According to age, the author curtailed or enlarged patterns. Lastly: The author tried to reduce living expenses through making children's clothes using the sewing machine and supress over-consumption and lead the people toward normal economic life.
