Drug Abuse and Delinquency among Employees of Public House

유흥업소 종사자들의 약물남용과 비행경험 실태

  • Jhoo, Wang Kee (College of Pharmacy. Kang Weon National University, Korea Institute of Drug Abuse) ;
  • Lee, Hyun Woo (College of Pharmacy. Kang Weon National University, Korea Institute of Drug Abuse) ;
  • Ryong, Hye Kyong (Korea Institute of Drug Abuse) ;
  • Jhoo, Jin Hyung (Korea Institute of Drug Abuse, School of Medicine. Seoul National University) ;
  • Kim, Hyoung Chun (College of Pharmacy. Kang Weon National University, Korea Institute of Drug Abuse)
  • 주왕기 (강원대학교 약학대학 약학과, 한국악물남용연구소) ;
  • 이현우 (강원대학교 약학대학 약학과, 한국악물남용연구소) ;
  • 용혜경 (한국악물남용연구소) ;
  • 주진형 (한국악물남용연구소, 서울대학교 의과대학 신경정신학과) ;
  • 김형춘 (강원대학교 약학대학 약학과, 한국악물남용연구소)
  • Published : 1992.05.01


In a survey of drug abuse of fourteen types of drugs by employees of public house, the results are follows. $87.4\%$ of male and $82.1\%$ of female ever smoked in his/her life time. $82.2\%$ of male and $75.2\%$ of female smoked in the past month. $90.4\%$ of male and $93.9\%$ of female ever drank in his/her life time. $82.2\%$ of male and $81.6\%$ of female in the past month. $57.8\%$ of male and $54.9\%$ of female smoked daily and $27.4\%$ of male and $53.6\%$ of female drank daily. $3.9\%$ of the employees of public house ever used marijuana in his/her life time: $1.7\%$, stimulants : $5.6\%$ inhalants : $10.0\%$ tranquilizers: $14.6\%$, hypnotics : $32.9\%$ analgesics: $3.7\%$, antitussives: and $1.4\%$, antihistamines; $1.5\%$, cocaine; $0.0\%$ amphetamines; $0.6\%$ narcotics: and $4.71\%$, hallucinogens. Drug use and delinquency showed a dosed relationship: drug users committed higher degree of delinquent behaviors and delinquents used drugs more frequently.
