풍온(風溫)에 관(關)한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察)

The bibliographical study on Poong-On(風溫)

  • Han, Jae-Soo (Dept. of Internal Oriental Medicine Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Oh, Tae-Hwan (Dept. of Internal Oriental Medicine Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Jung, Sung-Gi (Dept. of Internal Oriental Medicine Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Rhee, Hyung-Koo (Dept. of Internal Oriental Medicine Kyung Hee University)
  • 발행 : 1992.12.31


This study has been carried out to investigate the cause symptom and treatment of Poong-On(風溫) by referring to 29 leteratures. The results were obtained as follows; 1. The factors causing Poong-On(風溫) is wind and heat. 2. The symptom of Poong-On(風溫) is as follows. fever, chilling, cough, sweating sign, chest discomfort, thirst, Doo Chang Wan Bi(頭脹脘痺), Yang Maeg Boo Hwal(陽脈浮滑), Eum Maeg Yoo Yak(陰脈濡弱), Seol Tae Baek Bak(舌苔白薄). 3. The treatment-method of Poong-On(風溫) is as follows. Sin Ryang Hae Pyo(辛凉解表), San Poong Han Ii Rae Pyo(散風寒以解表), Seol Yeol Hwa Eum(泄熱和陰), So Sul Ii Hae Pyo(疏泄以解表). 4. The treatment-herbs of Poong-On(風溫) is as follows, Eun Gyo San(銀翹散), Ma Haeng Gam Sug Tang(麻杏甘石湯), Jo Wee Sung Gi Tang(調胃承氣湯), An Goong Woo Hwang Hwan(安宮牛黃丸), Seo Gag Ji Hwang Tang(犀角地黃湯), Baek Ho Tang(白虎湯), Sa Sam Maeg Moon Dong Tang(沙蔘麥門冬湯), Ga Gam Bok Maeg Tang(加減伏脈湯), Saeng Maeg San(生脈散).



  1. 天眞處方解說 李尙仁
  2. 傷寒論 譯詮 蔡仁植
  3. 溫病學 崔三燮;朴贊國
  4. 溫病學 辨證論治의 發展에 關한 硏究抄錄 崔三燮
  5. 溫病條辨方歌括 孔祥埼
  6. 溫病學 南京中醫學院
  7. 溫病學 南京中醫學院溫病學敎硏組
  8. 傷寒 溫病 溫疫 證治會通訣要 武明欽
  9. 中國醫學史 傳維康
  10. 外感溫熱篇(溫病學中) 葉桂
  11. 三時伏氣外感篇(溫病學中) 葉桂
  12. 臨證指南醫案 葉桂
  13. 黃帝內經素問譯解 楊維傑
  14. 溫病學 呂明進
  15. 溫疫論 吳有性
  16. 中國外感熱病學 吳銀根;沈慶法
  17. 溫病正宗 王德宣
  18. 註解傷寒論 王叔和
  19. 通俗傷寒論 兪根初
  20. 金元四大醫家學術思想硏究 李聰甫;劉炳凡
  21. 類證治截 林楓琴
  22. 醫門棒喝 章虛谷
  23. 濕熱條辨類解 趙入勛
  24. 外感溫病篇(陣修園醫書七十二種中) 陣平伯
  25. 溫病學講義 中醫學院 試用敎材
  26. 溫病名著精華選析 沈炎南
  27. 全國名醫驗案類編 何廉臣
  28. 寶用中醫內料學 黃文東