농촌보건의료서비스 향상을 위한 제도 개선방안

Policy Measures for Improving Health Care Services in Rural Areas

  • 발행 : 1991.12.30


본 연구는 농촌지역의 보건의료수준이 의료자원의 양적, 질적 격차와 의료이용과 의료접근도 및 건강수준의 면 등에서 도시지역보다 낙후되어 있다는 사실을 각종 통계지표를 이용하여 논증하였다. 다음으로 이러한 격차를 빚은 농촌보건사업의 문제점을 파악하여 이에 대한 대처방안을 농촌보건사업의 조직, 인력, 시설 및 장비, 재원 및 그리고 관리라는 5가지 부문으로 나누어서 모색해 보았는데 구체적으로는 첫째, 농촌보건 인력의 자질향상과 적정배치방안의 수립, 둘째, 농촌보건인력의 생산성 증대, 셋째, 보건소 및 지소의 운영개선, 넷째, 취약지 민간병원의 운영 개선, 다섯째, 사회, 경제여건의 변화에 따른 새로운 보건사업의 개발, 여섯째, 통합적인 보건의료인력관리 전담기관의 설립 등의 정책대안을 제시하고 있다.

Korea has made a rapid economic development since the last three decades. This has helped Korea narrow the gap in health service differences in resource availability and in quality of care. However urban and rural differentials are still remarkable. This study has maintained that health status of rural residents is inferior to that of urban dwellers. Therefore, this study was carried out to develop policy measures for improving health services in rural areas. In order to achieve the objective of this study the authors collaborated closely and made field visits, interviews and conducted an extensive literature review regarding rural health services. The following policy options are recommended as a summary ; First, the quality of rural health personnel is a single most important factor influencing the level of rural health services. An innovative program for public health doctors to the internship and/or residency training program such as specialty board program of family medicine. Second, dissatisfaction regarding employment of public health doctors is problematic. More rational employment and deployment programs are needed to meet their personal desire. One way to do this is to make it wide open and competitive. Third this study shows how to increase physician productivity in the rural public health sector. Incentive system needs to be elaborated for the career development of rural health workers. University linked job opportunity as clinical professor is an example. Fourth, without straightening the function of health centers and subcenters, the future of rural health services is doomed to failure. Straightening primary health care is one way to enrich the program of public health facilities and reactivating the operation of health center/hospital is another. A close linkage of public facilities with private hospitals is a minimum requirement for the operation of health delivery system within a health district. Fifth, some measures are urgently required to enhance hospital services in medically underserved areas. Financial subsidy, tax exemption, long-term public loans and higher priority of health manpower deployment are some of them. Sixth, new health programs should be in tiated to meet changing needs of peoples in rural areas. Home health care program, hospice program, nursing home, residential program for the elderly are recommended.
