Evaluation of the Effect of Errors in Job Characteristics on the Predicted Total Task Time in Standard Data Systems

표준자료 산출시 작업특성치의 오차가 총작업시간의 예측에 미치는 영향평가

  • 변재현 (경상대학교 산업공학과) ;
  • 염봉진 (한국과학기술원 산업공학과)
  • Published : 1991.12.31


In developing a regression relationship for a standard data system in work measurement, job characteristics are frequently measured with error when measurements are made in the field under less controlled conditions or when accurate instruments are not available. This paper concerns with the prediction of the total task time when job characteristics are measured with error. Integrated mean square error of prediction(IMSE) is developed as a measure of the effect of errors in job characteristics on the predicted total task time. By evaluating how IMSE is affected by the measurement error in each job characteristic, we can determine which error should be controlled to develop a desirable standard data system.
