산업공학 (IE interfaces)
- 제4권2호
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- Pages.93-101
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- 1991
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- 1225-0996(pISSN)
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- 2234-6465(eISSN)
컴퓨터 소프트웨어 및 화일들을 위한 온라인 목록 개발시 MARC 형식의 적용 방안
MARC FORMAT Implementation on the Development of An Online Catalog For Machine-Readable Data Files
One of the major problems on the design of an online database for machine readable data file is on the implementation of MARC format for communication with the Library of Congress or OCLC. Most of the cataloging data to make manual card catalogs are stored on magnetic tapes based on the MARC format at LC or OCLC and are sent to local libraries. Therefore, local libraries can avoid the expensive process of cataloging for the books they own. Instead, they can retrieve the necessary cataloging information from the tape and print out manual card catalogs. A problem with MARC is that it is not designed for databases, but for portability to be read at any type of computer. Therfore, it is not practical to use the format on the development of an online database as long as the database is developed in conjunction with a commercial powerful database package. In this paper a possible methodology to resolve the conflicts between the objective of DBMS and MARC is discussed. It is to satisfy the requirements from a commercial DBMS while leaving a room for MARC to communicate with LC and OCLC.