TQC활성화(活性化)를 위한 국내(國內) 소집단(小集團) 분임조(分任組) 활동(活動)의 현황문제점(現況問題點)과 개선방향(改善方向)

A study on the effective approach model improvement of small group activity for active TQC application in korea

  • 신용백 (아주대학교 산업공학과)
  • 발행 : 1991.06.01


In korea, since November 1982 these two small group actvity convension (QC circle convension and Factory Saemaul activity small group convension) has been united, many problem have been disclosed that are against the basic principle more or less. Worker's small group activity is essentially, a trouble shooting oriented voluntary small group within their working place to improve the surroundings creatively. In practice. however, many group are so typical and so impetuous of the material effect that it is worried to be inclined to outform rather than contents. Effective small group activities are presumed to be successful only with labor management cooperation on the basis of human-orient management philosophy. The small group activities are also prevalent in service sector. More derivative methods have been developed and more members are willingly participating in training programs. The small group which is basically a horizontal organization unit, promptes communication within the whole organization. In consideration of the social circumstances and traditions, the flexible model of the small group activities suitable to the corporate environment, will contribute industrial development.
