Tensiometric법을 이용한 친수하 PET 섬유의 표면특성 분석

The Analysis of Surface Characteristics of the Hydrophilic Chemicals Treated PET Fibers using Tensiometric Methods

  • 정혜원 (인하대학교 가정대학 의류학과) ;
  • Chung Hae Won (Dept. Clothing and Textiles, College of Home Economics, Inha University) ;
  • Obendorf S. Kay (Dept. Textiles and Apparel, College of Human Ecology, Cornell University)
  • 발행 : 1991.12.01


The dispersion and Poiar force components of the surface free energy of PET fibers untreated and treated with hydrophilic chemicals, such as nonionic-soil release polymer (SRP), anionic, nonionic and hydrophilic silicone, were determined using harmonic-mean and geometric-mean methods. Contact angles of water and methylene iodide on the fibers were determined from the adhesion tensions using tensiometric method. Fibers treated with hydrophilic chemicals have the increased polar force component and the decreased dispersion force component. The adhesion tensions of triolein for the hydrophilic treated fibers were smaller than that for untreated fiber.
