Strand법(法)에 의한 임분재적추정(林分材積推定)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

A Study on the Stand Volume Estimation by Strand Method

  • 투고 : 1991.02.27
  • 발행 : 1991.06.30


임분재적(林分材積) 추정법(推定法)을 연구(硏究)하기 위하여 경기(京畿), 강원(江原), 충남북(忠南北), 전북(全北), 경북지방(慶北地方)의 낙엽송조사지(落葉松調査地) 380개소(個所)를 재래(在來)의 매목조사법(每木調査法)인 표준지법(標準地法)으로 조사(調査)하고, 그중 20개소(個所)에서 덴드로메타, 스피겔 릴라스코프, 텔레리라스코프를 이용(利用)하여 Plotless Sampling의 일종(一種)인 Strand법(法)으로 조사(調査)하여 분석(分析)한 결과(結果) 다음과 같은 결론(結論)을 얻었다. 1. 표준지법(標準地法)과 Strand법(法)에 의한 임분재적(林分材積) 추정결과(推定結果) 유의성(有意性)이 없었으며, 양방법(兩方法)은 Y=bx($b{\fallingdotseq}1$)의 관계(關係)가 있었다. 2. 기계(機械)와 측정자(測定者), 밀도(密度)와 기계(機械), 경사(傾斜)와 기계간(機械間)에도 유의성(有意性)이 없었다. 3. 임분재적(林分材積)에 깊은 관계(關係)가 있는 제일(第一) 큰 인자(因子)는 단면적(斷面績) 수고(樹高)이고, 다음으로 임분(林分) 형상고(形狀高), 평균수고(平均樹高), ha당(當) 단면적(斷面積)의 순(順)이었다. 4. 단면적(斷面積) 수고(樹高)에 의한 임분재적식(林分材積式)은 log V=-0.0375+0.8910 log GH -1.5946 1/GH 이었으며, 이 식(式)에 의하여 임분재적표(林分材積表)를 조제(調製)하였다. 5. 실측재적(實測材積)과 추정재적(推定材積) 관계(關係)도 Y=bx($b{\fallingdotseq}1$)의 관계(關係)가 있었고 추정오차율(推定誤差率)은 4.5%였다.

This study was carried out to estimate the stand volume for Japanese larch(Larix leptolepis) by Strand sampling method. The data collected for this study were based on the 380 sample plots from the field survey, which were distributed in the major part of Korea(Kyeongi, Kangweon, Chungbuk, Chungnam, Chunbuk and Kyeongbuki), and the plotless sampling instrument such as dendrometer, spiegel relascope and tele-relascope were used. The procedure for this study is summarized briefly as follows : 1. There were not only significant differences between volume estimation by Strand sampling method and that by plot survey method, and the relationship was y=bx, where b approached nearly 1. Therefore, the stand volume of Japanese larch could by estimated by Strand sampling method. 2. The value measured by three different plotless sampling instruments did not showed any significant differences between instruments and observers, density and instruments, and ground slope and instruments. 3. With the stand volume, basal area height showed the highest correlation and stand form height, average height, basal area per ha correlated with the volume in thier orders. 4. The best fitted equation of stand volume estimation with basal area height by relascope was as follow. log V=-0.0375+0.8910 log GH-1.5946 1/GH Stand volume table also was obtained using the above estimeated equation. 5. The relationship between estimated value and actual value was Y=bx, where b was nearly 1. The correlation coefficient was very high and the percentage of estimated error was 4.5%.
