畜舍의 換氣量 決定을 위한 새로운 換氣그래프 開發

Development of New Conceptual Ventilation Graphs for Mechanically Ventilated Livestock Buildings

  • 최홍임 (慶尙大學敎 農科大學) ;
  • 김우중 (晋州農林專門大學 農業土木學科) ;
  • 김현태 (慶尙大學敎 農科大學)
  • 발행 : 1991.09.01


Since ventilation in livestock buildings is critical for indoor air quality, the first step in designing environmental control is to determine required ventilation rate. The purpose of the study was to suggest a conceptually new ventilation graph for determining minimum/maximum ventilation rate based on the conservation law of the thermal energy and mass in livestock buildings. PC-based programs coded with PASCAL language, [RVALUE] for overall thermal resistance of composite structural walls/ceilings, [POLYNOM] for coefficients values of animal's sensible heat equation were involved in developing a computer program, [VENTGRPH] for the determination of ventilation rate. It would be useful for design, for such a program would permit the designer to explore various design options and immediately, see the result in terms of its effect on minimum ventilation rates.
