Effects of Light Intensity on the Steady-State Fluorescence Quenching Kinetics

  • Mino Yang (Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University) ;
  • Sangyoub Lee (Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University) ;
  • Kook Joe Shin (Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University) ;
  • Kwang Yul Choo (Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University) ;
  • Duckhwan Lee (Department of Chemistry, Sogang University)
  • 발행 : 1991.08.20


Effects of light intensity on the steady-state fluorescence quenching kinetics are examined for general cases where the bimolecular quenching can occur via long-range energy transfer processes and the potential of mean force between the energy donor and acceptor molecules is not negligible. Approximate analytic expressions are derived for the steady-state quenching rate constant and for the ratio of the steady-state intensity of unquenched to quenched fluorescence. The analytic results are compared with the exact results obtained from numerical analysis and the results of conventional theories.



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