An Estimation of the Algal Production of Sargassum confusum (Phaeophyta) on the Coast of Ohori, East Sea, Korea, by Mathematical Models Based on Photosynthetic Rates and Biomass Changes

광합성율과 생물량에 기초한 Sargassum confusum의 생산성 계산 모델

  • KOH, CHUL-HWAN (Department of Oceanography, Seoul National University) ;
  • JOH, SUNG-OK (Department of Oceanography, Seoul National University)
  • Published : 1991.06.01


A production model was constructed by combining the production rate and biomass of Sargassum confusum measured at monthly intervals on the coast of Ohori, Korea, to estimate the algal production for a given period. The production for a certain period, e.g., for a year (P/SUB yr/), was calculated from the equation: P/SUB yr/ = .int.P/SUB t/$.$B/SUB t/dt, where pl and Bl are the production rate and biomass at time t. P/SUB l/ was considered as a function of temperature and light. Photosynthesis-Irradiance curves obtained from the in situ experiments were applied for P/SUB l/ Temperature and light intensity can be expressed as periodic functions of time (T, L=f(t)). Diurnal values of water temperature and light intensity at 3 m depth where S. confusum mainly found were substituted into the equation of P/SUB l/. Simulations using our models show that temperature was one of the most sensitive factors operating on the primary production. Thirty percent decrease of light intensity by cloud cover was estimated to decrease the annual production by 5%.

동해안 오호리에 서식하는 Sargassum confusum을 대상으로 광합성율과 생물량의 시간에 따른 변화를 조사하여 해조류의 년생산성을 예측하는 모델을 구성하였다. 즉 년생산량 P/SUB yr/를 P/SUB yr/ = .int.P/SUB t/·B/SUB t/dt (이때 P/SUB t/와 B/SUB t/는 주어진 시간에서의 광합성율과 생물량을 나타낸다)의 식을 설정하여 구하 였다. P/SUB t/는 수온과 광량의 함수로 보아 서로 다른 수온과 광도의 조건에서 광합 성을 측정하여 P/SUB t/에 대입하였다. 수온과 Sargassum confusum이 서식하는 수심 3 m를 기준으로 하였다. 모델에 의한 모의 결과는 수온이 일차생산량을 결정하는 가장 중요한 요인임을 보여주었다. 구름을 가정하여 30%의 광량을 무작위로 감소시켰을 때 해조류의 년생산량은 5%감소하였다.
